Weight Loss Plateuas, Why Do I Get Stuck on a Number

So, short background: down 17 from the all time high, but now stock on a number. Been within 1 pound either side 230 for about a week or longer ... despite still doing pretty well on exercise, diet and counting calories. 55 years old, male. Do others of you get stuck or plateau for a while? Does anyone know why it happens? Any tips to break through. It was coming off at a much better clip than I seem to be on now. I am weight training as well, mostly light weight, more reps to tone and have convinced (lied to?) myself that the weight that is staying on is better. Feedback appreciated, thanks.


  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear, mostly due to water weight fluctuations that are often somewhat beyond our control - higher sodium, new or increased exercise (duration or intensity), hydration levels, higher carbs (glycogen replenishment), among other things...

    One or two weeks is not a plateau.