heres the scoop on my new Polar HRM!!

I just received my new Polar FT4..I wanted to wear it when I play golf, because I have been thinking for months that MFP stats were too high but...for 18 holes today I recorded 989 ~~ normally MFP calls it 1,099~~ so that is pretty darn close! now~~ I'm really ignorant to how it all works in as much as my readings state 1 hour and 9 mins. were "in the zone"..thats out of 4.5 hours total worn for that golf game..can anyone clarify what that means?:blushing:


  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    I am not sure but I think the "in the zone" means you were at your target heart rate for that amount of time.
  • lindalloo
    lindalloo Posts: 47
    That IS close! How does this work in MFP? I recently went a round of 18 holes but nothing in the MFP database describes it as such. So I entered five hours of "Golf, using power cart" for a total of 1383 calories burned. But now that looks too high, compared to yours. I'm still fairly new to the game, however. Maybe I should be getting through 18 holes in less than five hours? :laugh:
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    That IS close! How does this work in MFP? I recently went a round of 18 holes but nothing in the MFP database describes it as such. So I entered five hours of "Golf, using power cart" for a total of 1383 calories burned. But now that looks too high, compared to yours. I'm still fairly new to the game, however. Maybe I should be getting through 18 holes in less than five hours? :laugh:
    well yes MFP bases cals. burned on your weight and time played..I use 4 hours because thats what I play 18 holes the HRM just accounted for total cals burned & also the time in "the zone" which I suppose means cardio time..? I confuse...
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Every HRM will tell you how long you're in the zone. This means your target heart rate zone... the best zone to burn fat, basically. You don't really have to worry about that unless you're strictly working on burning fat (such as if you were at your goal weight and just wanted to tone up and get a little less jiggly!). I don't usually pay attention to that because I'm not focusing on that right now. Just record your cals and be on your merry way!
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272

    "In Zone" means your heart rate target that you would set on your monitor manually.

    For example. On my HRM (I have a timex one) I have my settings for my heart rate to be between 135 & 160. So when I'm wearing my HRM and my heart rate is in that range it records it as being "In the Zone" that I set. It's more of a conditioning tool if you want to know how long you stayed within that range.

    If I go above that range, I can have my watch beep at me to remind me to back off a bit and/or slow down. If it dips below my lowest (135) it will beep to tell me that I'm slacking off. Heheh.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    there are target ranges that are goals to keep your heart rate in, you can see them on treadmils etc, and when you set up your hrm there was a range (the zone) for your heart rate. how long you keep your heart with in the numbers listed is how long you are in the zone.
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    Okay I get all that and thanks!! but do you burn more cals when in the zone? or more fat? or is a cal burned all one in the same?
  • SwissTracey
    SwissTracey Posts: 34 Member
    bump, I want to know too
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yes, you're burning more fat when you're in that zone. My polar figured out my zone based on a work out I did that was very strenuous...I don't know how to change it so now my prime zone is set at 150-166 and I hardly get into it except swimming VERY hard, jumping rope, or running. Walking can sometimes get me to 155 at the max if my heart rate was high before I started (say I went straight from a strength training session). Search "target heart zones" and see what comes up!
  • phillips87
    phillips87 Posts: 4 Member
    I have a question on the Polar HRM too. I just got mine today, the FT40. Last week @ my gym I had gone through a fitness test and got my results. BP, bicep strenght, flexibility, and my VO2 Max. I was wearing a polar when I had that done and it was 53.3 which he said for my age range (44) was excellent.
    Today I got my polar all set up and did the test and it was something like 24 which was poor. I tried it again and same thing. I ended up putting my 53.3 rating in there (book said if you had one done recently you could enter that). Now I am afraid it's not reading my body correctly.
    I went to a 45 min. body pump class (new teacher and it was very intense) a 15 minute ab class then on the kickboxing for 45 min. Lots of jump rope, jumping jacks and kick boxing all together. My HRM showed I burned 1200 calories.
    Could this be right?