Old Habits Die Hard

Anyone have any good advice for breaking a 28 year old food habit? The current cycle is this: Monday through Wednesday/Thursday I eat fairly well. Friday through Sunday, not so well, to the point that it sabotages the first few days of the week. The cycle then continues, and I get frustrated with myself and beat myself up for letting it continue. I hit my workouts, and they are great, but eating the wrong way is holding me back from seeing my true potential and has left me maintaining an unhealthy weight, which I need to change, quickly.

Also, I cannot seem to kick the habit of eating food that is terrible for me. I tend to eat a lot of carbs and it is almost like my body requires it. I can't seem to snap out of it. I grew up eating this way - whether it be overeating or just eating terrible quality food - so I feel like it is a habit that needs to change. I know WHAT to change, but I am having a hard time acting and figuring out HOW to change it.

Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • Hi,

    I think the best thing for your self might be to have a physical activity such as soccer etc on those days. What will happen is you will feel the motivation too eat healthy as you know tomorrow you have another sport activity, so you can't eat bad foods.