The "I NEED HELP!" Thread

bidingmytime Posts: 129 Member
edited February 2020 in Motivation and Support
(Please Note: I hope there's not already a thread like this in existence on this forum. If there is, many apologies, everybody, and please feel free to delete if necessary, mods!)

Today is Day 1 of my new weight loss journey. Since I've been down this path numerous times, I'm already well aware of the potential pitfalls. One of the pitfalls I have is not having a support system to turn to when I'm tempted with binge eating. Another one I have is making excuses as to not exercise when I know I should.

Therefore, I'm creating this thread for all of us to come to when we need some help ASAP! Even though I am not struggling right now, I know the cry for help will be inevitable soon enough.

So if you're feeling like you're about to make a poor choice due to a bad habit, and you need someone to talk to right away until the urge passes, please post below! Hopefully someone will jump in and help talk you away from those extra 3 slices of pizza, or help to motivate you to get in the car and go to the gym.