Looking for support :)

Looking for friends to encourage and root on!! I fail so much on these diets and have yet to try doing it with a bunch of supporters!! I will support ya back too :) Looking to drop 60-80 pounds!!


  • lyn_2013
    lyn_2013 Posts: 108 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • ash778
    ash778 Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me if you would like. I'm on daily and log daily and always comment!
  • _DrDustin_
    _DrDustin_ Posts: 172
    Willing to help! Add me ups! ;)
  • treehugginmom
    treehugginmom Posts: 18 Member
    I am new here too, would love to support and be supported, we can definitely do this! Add me if you like...;p
  • I'm looking for new friends as well...Im looking lose 88.4 to get to my high goal and 103.4 total to get to my low goal...everyone add me please :)