


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited February 2020
    Thank you for your replies. I'm having blood tests done tomorrow and it was my GP that gave me them. I was going to give myself a month of trying things...they may work or may not but if not then I have the meds to fall back on. Right now if I had a scale of 1 being mild and 10 suicidal then I'm at a 4.

    Good thing you are having blood work done. I'm anemic and when my iron levels accidentally get too low I hate my life. I believe D deficiency can cause contribute to depression, as can other deficiencies.

    Are you opposed to anti-depressants in general, or is there a specific problem with the specific one you were prescribed? I went through about 6 ADs before I found Wellbutrin SR, which has no negative side effects for me. (I did not like the XL version, and the fast release was too speedy. The SR is a little speedy, which is just right for me.)

    Diet an exercise absolutely do help my depression, but I was never on the suicidal spectrum, so I don't think it is wise for any of us who are not your doctor to recommend you not take your pills.
  • Itsanerdthing91
    Itsanerdthing91 Posts: 5 Member
    When I lost weight the first time it wasnt until I got in a good head space and started anxiety medication . Once I had that under control diet and excersise helped with my depression. After a couple years I was able to be off medication but the pills was the catalyst that started me on path on head happy . Best of luck to you
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    edited February 2020
    I attended a workshop awhile back, using natural ways to fight depression. Some of the things they mentioned were:
    cut out caffeine
    music(their choice was classical music)
    vegetarian diet
    get enough sleep
    Vitamin D/sunlight

    My dearest friend has been plagued by depression all her life, and refuses to take meds. to treat it. She says running is her drug of choice. This time of year is incredibly hard for her, as it is for many people.
    Good luck and hope you can find some alleviation from your depression!!
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    When I was in high school, I was suicidally depressed and my mom didn't believe me so I couldn't see a psych. Not having medication caused me immense and unnecessary suffering and almost cost me my life on multiple occasions. And yes, I tried every "natural" fix that the *kitten* hippie-crunchy mom blogs suggested, and they did jack *kitten*.
    Take your meds. There's literally no good reason or excuse not to.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I will add that I've been on meds. for about 25 years, ever since my premenopause days. I've tried different kinds, different levels, but because of my life situations I've always battled with depression and anxiety. Since I retired in May, I've cut my meds. in half. My PCP said okay, as long as you feel good. I've been attacking many aspects of my life, cut down stress, eaten/exercised, etc., and still feel good. I might cut down my dosage more, IDK. I see my dr. again in March and will discuss it with her. I suffer from SAD disorder also so I up the VitD and happy light therapy in the winter. I have no idea if some or all of those things have helped the changes in my brain; hard to pinpoint exactly. I've tried therapy but never long term; maybe I never found the right therapist. But maybe that's something you could seek out too?
    All this to say if you can't seem to find methods that work well enough, please don't think of meds as the bad guys. They can do wonders at keeping you on an even keel, as long as you find the one that works for you without negative side effects. And once you get on that even keel, it might be easier to face and deal with lifestyle changes that can also help. I don't know about you, but when depression reared it's ugly monster head, all I wanted to do was stay in my own dark comfortable cave and ignore the world. I wouldn't have been able to seek other benefits from changing anything in my life if all I wanted to do was hide from it. So do take care of YOU and may you find peace and joy in your life.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    If meds are not for you, try therapy instead. Take it from me, you can't diet and exercise depression away. It will be of some help most likely but it will just be a small component. I've lived with this disorder lifelong so I still manage to be functional and work and maintain my marriage. But you can't work it away or banish it with healthy foods. If there's no money for therapy, there are therapists on youtube whose videos can help (Douglas Bloch is good) and you can buy dialectical behavioral therapy workbooks. Not that those exercises are easy in any way. I do understand why you're apprehensive about the meds. I was on them for 20 years and then became allergic so I couldn't taper down. The withdrawal is horrific. Also, I was never fat before Celexa. That stuff makes you feel like you're dying of hunger. And as you are male, there are ... other parts of your body that may be affected also. The fat I ganed on meds brought diabetes. Now I'm having to fight against that damage.

    Some people have a good experience with meds. My husband is one of them. You just never know if you will. If you do try them, be cautious and aware, and keep a log of any changes.
  • Johnisfat42
    Johnisfat42 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks everyone for their input 🙏🏻
  • khalida84
    khalida84 Posts: 1 Member
    It sounds like you are making a good choice. You know you better than ANY doctor. If your first inclination is not to take drugs trust that! I think diet and exercise ABSOLUTELY make a difference in how you feel.

    A little pro tip: When you hit the gym no pressure on yourself and try to listen to inspiration or self-help in whatever category you are interested in. For me I hit the gym focus on that one workout and listen to entrepreneurs talk about self-help and how they pulled themselves out of their own messes and depression. It gives me hope and tools I can take action on.

    I don’t buy depression is a chemical imbalance. This is what the masses have been sold to support the drug companies and you can’t trust doctors either. They are swirly ignorant on the subject. Yes, even psychiatrist and they are oriented to give drugs - which are chemicals. I tencently read that less than 3% of people actually have so chemical alteration or head injury that could cause depression and changes in mood etc. the rest of us are failing to cope and find resilience. And while I know everyone suffering with depression will hate me for saying so it’s been true for me.

    Educate yourself so you can make informed decisions and don’t just read the crap the drug pushers are putting out. Have a balanced approach then trust your intuition.
  • maxiem7
    maxiem7 Posts: 23 Member
    I say you accept that you have depression and take the medication. If you had diabetes would you not take medication? Depression is also a disease of the mind so get rid of the thoughts of it's all in my head, I am weak, I can control this or whatever else you are thinking. We can make changes in our life to improve but if you are really suffering from depression you need medication
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    Vitamin D and tyrosine for me.
  • magnusthenerd
    magnusthenerd Posts: 1,207 Member
    If you can't make your own neurotransmitters, store bought is fine.

    There's nothing wrong conceptually with being medicated. A particular medication may not be right for you for whatever reason.

    I found eventually with weight loss, diet and exercise I eventually felt a part of my life long depression was at a kind of manageable that the side effects of anti-depressants weren't worth it. I also think the particular anti-depressant I had been on for a long time, long before I started losing weight, was helpful during the early parts of the weight loss.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    I battled depression and suicidal tendencies for many years and medication just made me a zombie frog on a log. I took up long distance running and a Tony Robbins coaching program and between the two, I learned many things about myself and it did wonders in managing my depression. I'll never say I'm cured, but with the right tools I have learned to focus my energy, relieve myself of the things in my past that affected me, and carry on.

    Running is alot like life...and there are many life lessons to be learned when you take to the trails and pavement for miles/hours/days at a time.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Thank you for your replies. I'm having blood tests done tomorrow and it was my GP that gave me them. I was going to give myself a month of trying things...they may work or may not but if not then I have the meds to fall back on. Right now if I had a scale of 1 being mild and 10 suicidal then I'm at a 4.

    That sounds like a degree of clinical depression that is beyond what exercise and diet can do. What do people in your life think? If, for example, you have a spouse who supports getting on antidepressants, you should probably do it.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    slbbw wrote: »
    I once had a Dr compare anti-depressant to crutches, in that you would not try to heal a broken leg while continuing to walk on it. Sometimes it is helpful to take an anti-deppressant while you work to find and fix a route cause of teh issue.

    This is very much how it worked for me - the antidepressants allowed me to get my head in a better space, get some decent sleep, and basically set myself up for managing my depression without meds (eventually - it wasn't an instant fix).

    I had tried to start eating better and exercising before that, but I couldn't quite pull myself out of that spiral without help.

    In the midst of my depression, exercise actually made me feel worse!

    Good luck - I hope you find what works for you.
  • ashtree42
    ashtree42 Posts: 16 Member
    Depression meds can help so much. I‘ve had moderate depression my whole life. They’ve improved my life significantly.
    But the two least depressed phases of my life where the years I was getting lots of cardio exercise. At one time I did lots of swimming and hiking. Got out of the habit due to life. Then a few years later I got really into running. Lots of cardio really was the best antidepressant I took (definitely needed med kinds too sometimes,).
    Pick exercises you like, try different things. Definitely try things that are outdoors and that you might do with friends (such good motivation when your feeling lazy).
    You could consider trying meds, diet, and exercise. Then when you’re doing better see if you can cut out the meds . Of course check with doctor for what’s right for you!!!
    Good luck
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    If you can't make your own neurotransmitters, store bought is fine.

    I have never heard this before and it's brilliant. totally borrowing this
  • chelleedub
    chelleedub Posts: 50 Member
    First of all, why see a doctor if you aren't going to follow his/her instructions? If she prescribed antibiotics, would you chuck them? Food, alcohol and exercise all change your brain chemistry the same way medication will. So I don't know if that's the issue or if you think having an illness makes you weak, but you have it regardless of how you treat it.

    That said, why not do all three? Take the prescribed medication, change your diet, and start exercising.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited February 2020
    I'm not a doc and won't pretend to be, but as a Psych major and someone that closely follows the latest R&D related to mental illness and depression (something I've suffered from), I can tell you that there is some really innovative stuff coming out. It will be rebuffed by the Psychiatrists if it proves to be true, because it will show that up until now, we knew hardly anything about depression.

    To summarize, there's three or four startups that have found depression is strongly related to the lack of one bacteria in the Microbiome. GABA feeds that Microbiome, so therapies are being created to improve the GABA levels naturally in your system. It seems that if that Microbiome flourishes, depression disappears, so the theory is that depression can be manipulated/treated with treating the bugs inside of you. They just aren't sure the best way just yet. Even though they are figuring out strong causal relationships between certain bacteria in the Microbiome and depression, it's not clear (yet at least) how to manipulate it the right way, but I think they are only a few years off.

    Here's the rub. If they find out all the depression meds in the past were ineffective compared to a relatively easy manipulation of the microbiome, there will be mass blowback by the Psychological establishment and Big Pharma, because it's huge business.

    Here's just one of many articles on some of the studies going on.