Busy Life Accountability

Hi everyone I’m new to all this, but really looking forward to the process and the help. Needing to prioritize better habits of daily exercise and healthy eating now that life is good but very full. I could use some professionals or anyone else as friends for accountability who know how busy life can get but don’t take excuses on healthy daily habits either. March start? Thanks!


  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    I’m already starting but feel free to add me.
    This is something I struggle with all of the time - putting my health and fitness first. Full time career and single mom (though my son’s father is wonderful 💕) so I absolutely understand the struggle.
    Good luck 😊
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Everyone is busy these days....well it's probably always been the case.
    It's good if you think of looking after your health and fitness as just looking out for your future. Find every moment you can. My dad used to have a group of guys he'd walk around his office building with at lunch. Any moments you can get all add up