overeating/binge eating

hi! i am a college student here and the late night eating and over eating is really ruining my progress. Please leave some tips that could help me! I do really good all week then there’s that one time that i go so overboard! Also any tips in craving less sweets?? i have such a sweet tooth(:


  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    My #1 binge tip is take another look at what an appropriate deficit is for your situation. When my macros are really on target, I can handle undereating a day or two. But undereating more than a couple days is a recipe for binging for me. Maybe someone will post a chart showing appropriate rates of loss. Bottom line: 2 lb/wk is ok for >75 lb to lose to get to a healthy weight, but if you are within 20 lb of goal, you’ll have better long term success at 0.5lb/wk. Giving yourself an appropriate target = giving yourself the best chance to succeed.
  • Mjlefty35
    Mjlefty35 Posts: 17 Member
    I to would like suggestions for my sweet, sweet tooth! It has to have more punch than fruit I have found!
  • Mjlefty35
    Mjlefty35 Posts: 17 Member
    Trying to train my brain that I am not depriving myself of anything, just eating less of some things like ice cream. I can have what I want when I want! So far, my brain is giving me the benefit of the doubt!
  • LynNite
    LynNite Posts: 68 Member
    Does the binge/over eating come on with emotions? I’m an emotional binge eater so I have a few tips that could help.

  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I eat 40 calorie fudge pops when I feel my sweet tooth starting to take hold. I also eat no fat plain yogurt with a drizzle of maple syrup(careful with that though). I chew so much more gum than I used to.

    I've always been a binge eater, eating my emotions away, and loving junk food. :( Not an easy combination to live with. Sometimes you simply have to get stubborn and walk away from tempting foods. I would imagine being in college makes it an extra challenge. Cafeteria foods, eating out a lot, making quick stops at the store, being with friends, maybe drinking(?), can all pose unique challenges to overcome.

    I've had 3 of my own kids go through college and saw the struggles they faced staying healthy. Peer pressure really plays a part. Find healthy options such as veggies/hummus, and guacamole that others might like so you're not as tempted to eat all the wrong stuff. I remember my kids subsisting on boxed mac n cheese, ramen noodles, etc. :( Stock up on fruits/veggies/jugs of water/tea, as opposed to crackers, chips, juice and cookies.

    Good luck!! And hopefully you can find some like-minded healthy eaters to hang with. :)
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Buy dark chocolate or unsweetened cocoa add some stevia and put in coffee hits the chocolate sweeet craving
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    Most of the time for me, the thing that caused my cravings was boredom rather than any physical hunger. Usually the source of my overeating is mental rather than physical, so I do a check on my mental health and make sure I'm not using food to fill a gap.