Adding weight to sets for toning

M68 5’10”, 228lbs, trying to tone after losing weight, not to bulk up (I’m still hoping to lose another 20lbs). I’m on month 3 of lifting on MWF schedule. Workout is about 15min elliptical to warm up & 30min lifting.

I started with 1 set of 15 reps, worked up to 20 reps, and now I want to add weight while not reducing reps.
For instance, increasing 1x20 @50lbs is it best to change to
1x12 @60lbs, then
1x8 @50lbs,
or just jump to 20 reps @60?


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited February 2020
    I would suggest using a weight that allows you you to complete 12-20 reps.

    I would also(when reasonable) to add set(s) at a slightly lighter weight after the first initial set(12-20) and aim at 10-12 reps for any additional sets.