Is there any ways I can avoid loose skin?

I have been losing weight but I don't want to go too fast. I have seen some people lose tons of weight in a short amount of time and their skin is really loose. I don't want my body to look like that when I get all the weight off. Are there some things that I can do to prevent it?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I would suggest strength training.

    Keep in mind its going to depend a lot on:
    - how fast the weight came off
    - age
    - genetics
    - amount of weight lost
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Strength training, drink water, don't lose to fast, and you're still young, so it will probably bounce back over time anyways. I know that guys aren't usually into skincare, but I did a blog post with some tips a while ago:
    You don't have to follow all of them of course. But there may be one or two that will fit in with your regime. But unless you're going to lose around 100 lbs, your skin should just bounce back with time.