Feeling trapped in my own body



  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    @Ally112020 It's great that you went for that walk. A single change like that every day will shift your mindset and make you want to succeed more than you want to comfort eat.

    I love the 'choose your hard' motto.
    And I also really believe in small rewards for mini milestones along the way. Anything from patting yourself on the back (literally) and saying to yourself 'Well done' to buying small non food treats like a fitness magazine, new nail polish or some fresh flowers etc. I think it's good to make the journey as fun and rewarding as possible.

  • kmiller2350
    kmiller2350 Posts: 43 Member
    @Ally112020 Have you been able to go for a walk again? Not sure if weather keeps you indoors. I find that the winter months are harder for me to exercise because I don't do rain and snow too well. And for many people, winter months also affect moods. I am looking for the right affordable indoor exercise program that will help me lose weight and keep my spirits up.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Just keep at it. One meal, one day, at a time. You do have to choose your hard. Another thing I try to remember is "There are enough obstacles in your way. Don't make yourself one of them."

    Keep in mind that there will be days when you're really motivated and feeling good. There will also be days (lots of them) when you feel like crud, feel like you look like crud, don't feel like making time, blah, blah, blah, and you're not motivated to do anything. Keep at it. Just get out there and DO SOMETHING. Motivation will come and go, but the more you keep to your plan, the more you'll be able to tell yourself that it's "what you do." Work on building habits. You can do this. And so many people here are behind you all the way! :)
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I remember... Feeling hopeless, feeling like a 2nd class citizen, feeling like everyone was judging me. I was 59 years old and had been obese my entire life. I had tried every single diet out there and even had bariatric surgery (lapband) which had to be reversed. I felt like I should just accept what I was and give up. Then I started slow. I set easy goals. I started walking twice a day for 15 or 20 minutes. I started LOSING! It took me 2 years to get to maintenance. I have stayed at a healthy weight for 3 years now. It can be done but take your time so you learn how to maintain. There are alot of us here who know exactly what you are going through and we can tell you that it isn't hopeless.
  • Kelly_2013
    Kelly_2013 Posts: 117 Member
    I understand what you mean so much it's as if I wrote it on my own. I try over and over again but I started this week and I'm determined to stick with it to be happier and healthier!!