Unable to lose the "final 20" no matter what I do

AngieM1114 Posts: 2 Member
Hi! Four years ago I lost 50 pounds over 6 months by eating well and exercising, weight loss plateaued and slowly lost 30 pounds over the next year and a half. For the past 2 years I have struggled trying to lose what I consider the "last 20" but have only managed to maintain with tiny fluctuations. I am a 42 y/o female, have calculated maintenance calories around 2200 but eat in a deficit between 1500-1800 most days. I am celiac, eat mostly whole foods and combat sweet cravings (my weakness) with healthy as possible substitutions. My doctor has confirmed that I do have a bit of loose skin around my midsection but I know there is more subcutaneous fat to be lost there. I exercise 5 days a week (Mon-Fri) with 3 half hour strength sessions and 2 half hour cardio HIIT sessions weekly each followed by a half hour run on my Maxx trainer. I'm making myself a bit crazy trying to achieve "perfect" but it's frustrating to have gotten so far and changed so much to not be able to drop this ridiculous belly pooch. But over two years and tons of research and trial and error, nothing has made a difference. Can anyone help? Thank you!!


  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    If you have learned to maintain your weight then you are a superstar and should celebrate that incredible achievement!


    We all have stuff we don't like about how we look. It's harder when you're younger, I remember quite well. Some people are so judgmental! But, there's no reason to be judgmental to yourself (or to anyone else). It pays to think about your whole self:

    - Being healthy: What can your body do now that you're lighter on your feet?
    - Being happy: What brings you joy?
    - Being skilled: What new things do you want to be able to do? (Not just physical, but mental.)
    - Being generous: Who else can you help and how? How can you make a difference?
    - Being successful: How can you pull it all together into a fantastic life?

    Best of luck!
  • AngieM1114
    AngieM1114 Posts: 2 Member
    What a fantastic reply, thank you so much for helping me see this in a positive light!