Ugh... Trying to get back on track.

So, last year I lost 50 lbs. I went from 210 to an all time low of 160. That was where I was in November of last year.

I have continued to work out consistently, and I still feel relatively healthy and happy. However, I quit paying attention to logging, the holidays came and went, etc... And now I am back at 172. 12 pounds back. Yuck! I KNOW exactly what I need to do, I know what worked last time. I'm just having such a hard time getting motivated to get back on that train. I want to ultimately be in the low 150's, which would be a healthy weight for me. My "skinny clothes" that I bought at 160 are tight... I REFUSE TO BUY MORE CLOTHES!

How to motivate myself? It just seems harder this time for some reason. I still work out- 5-6 days a week, for 30-60 minutes at a time. I run, love cycling, use our elliptical.

Any advice to get motivated?


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    "Just do it."

  • onandoff
    onandoff Posts: 122 Member
    Different motivations work for different people.
    You should find what makes you "tick". What made you think about changing your habits? What made you question your lifestyle and look for more? You can start from there. A picture of someone you admire...? Pozitive reaction from your family/friends? An outfit that you die to wear some day?
    I basicaly wanted to change phisically because I wanted to look good. As simple as that. But now I'm thinking more and more about the bigger perspective. I wanna be healthier while I do that. There will always be moments when even the fittest (or less fitt) of the people feel like crap and hate working out. I guess you just need to build your own "customized" mindset to keep you on track.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I like to set mini goals for myself that have nothing to do with weight loss. I want to run a certain distance, I want to lift a certain amount, I want to eat/ drink a certain amount of fruits/veggies/water. By doing these things, I was able to become healthier and more active.

    The scale is not my friend, at all. We actually loathe each other and if my goals were based on my weight loss, I'd be completely depressed. My goals now are things that I can do to better myself so no matter what the scale is saying, I know I am stronger, healthier and faster than I was when I started.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Don't wait for motivation. You know what you want, you know why you want it, and you know how to get it. Just start logging again. You already exercise a lot and eat well, so you're already ahead of the game. Logging your food is a bit tedious, but it's not that hard really, is it? I don't always feel "motivated", but I know it's what I have to do to stay the weight I want to be. I don't always feel motivated to go to work either, but I know what will happen if I don't do that! A lot of people find they can't maintain well without tracking, so you're not alone there. :smile:
  • shadow997
    shadow997 Posts: 31 Member
    no ifs ands or buts start today ! for the last 10 years or so i lost and gained back weight 213-163 then 220-180 now i started back at 220 looking to go down to 175 or so and now im 50 and every year its harder to loose ! so just start today with you next meal !

    good luck
    fat & 50
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    I understand how you feel, you want to lose weight but you are remembering the hard work, hours spent exercising,perhaps eating restrictions, always have to make healthy can be exhausting mentally and physically and sometimes sitting on the couch spooning nutella in your mouth watching reality tv seems like a much happier existence. I have those same feelings sometimes.

    The best way I get back into a healthy lifestyle is by trying a new workout or class. You are doing something different, and hopefully fun. Try and ease back in slowly, don't go back to your old healthy ways immediately, but try to change just one or two things every 1-2 weeks, and hopefully during this transition the weight will start to come off. Good Luck!
  • Julie7741
    Julie7741 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks! I think I just need a solid kick in the pants!!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I did the same thing. I went from 215 to 175 and then back up to 192. My motivation was the fact that summer was coming and I did not want to spend another summer hiding in my backyard wearing my too tight swimsuit. I wanted to feel comfortable and fit into some goal shorts that I had lying around for a long time. Now I'm 171 and I fit into those shorts! If you're having a hard time getting started you could eat your maintenance calories for a few days and then slowly lower from there. That works for me because those first few days of eating a calorie deficit can be very challenging. No one likes to be hungry or feel deprived.
    If you want it bad enough you'll find the right motivation for you and get started. It's worth whatever it is you don't want to deal with. The planning? The logging? Eating less? The discipline? All worth it to get your wardrobe back plus all the other benefits such as better health.