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Mission C-48 in Different Languages

Howdy Everybody! This is KimiFinsterLover90 here, and today, I got something to share with all of you. Tomorrow, I'm going to a nearby hotel for a Pool Party, which the hotel I'm staying at includes a Jacuzzi Hot Tub, for one of my niece's birthday party. So, Since this is my 48th Visit to the MyFitnessPal Community, I thought I do something fun with the number 48 by showing you the different languages for C-48 on DDR STR!KE (PS2 [JPN]). Also, First of all, I will not include Japanese because the game is already in Japanese, and second of all, I've included Hindi and Vietnamese because why not.
Here are the Languages I can translate this in:

English: Do not step on the red arrow. Otherwise, step on GREAT or higher.

Spanish: No pises la flecha roja. De lo contrario, pise GRANDE o superior.

French: Ne marchez pas sur la flèche rouge. Sinon, montez sur GRAND ou supérieur.

German: Treten Sie nicht auf den auf den roten Pfeil. Andernfalls treten Sie auf GROSS oder höher.

Italian: Non calpestare la freccia rossa. Altrimenti, calpestare GRANDE o superiore.

Dutch: Stap niet op de rode pijl. Stap anders op GROOT of hoger.

Russian: Не наступайте на красную стрелку. В противном случае, перейдите на БОЛЬШОЙ или выше.

Chinese [Simplified]: 请勿踩在红色剪头上。否则,踩到GREAT或更高。

Chinese [Traditional]: 請勿踩在紅色箭頭上。否則,才到GREAT或更高。

Korean: 빨간색 화살표를 밟지 마세요. 그렇지는 GREAT 이상 밟아주십시오.

Danish: Træd ikke på den røde pil. Ellers skal du gå på GREAT eller højere.

Norwegian: Ikke gå på den røde pilen. Ellers kan du gå videre på STOR eller høyere.

Swedish: Steg inte på den röda pilen. I annat fall går du på STOR eller högre.

Portuguese: Não pise na seta vermelha. Caso contrário, pise em GREAT ou superior.

Hindi: लाल तीर पर कदम न रखें। अयभा, GREAT या उच्चतर पर कदम रखें।

Vietnamese: Đừng bước vào mũi tên màu đỏ. Nếu không, bước lên TUYỆT VỜI hoặc cao hơn.

Well, I hope you like it! 😉👍 I did the best I can, but Hindi is not my Language. 😫