Nice to meet you

Hi there friends :) Here I go on my journey once again . At the heaviest I’ve ever been (again). I’ve used mfp before (sporadically) and ww too many times to count. This time is different. I have to do this for my health. I have incompetent veins in my legs and work on my feet all day. Just went through hell with cellulitis in my left leg from a fall while on vacation. Add a plane ride home and insane swelling causing vein damage have a 45 year old woman who is terrified to lose the use of her leg (or the leg altogether) in the not so distant future. It’s time to take control! I have a 19 day streak going logging my food (takes 21 days to form a habit right?) and I’m walking as much as my leg will allow. Getting better every day. I have a new Fitbit and love crushing those step goals! I’m working on my sleep goals and water goals too. I’ll post weight and such shortly. Just have to get the nerves .


  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,756 Member
    You got this, it sounds like you're off to a good start! I just got my Fitbit a couple weeks ago, I've turned into a step maniac! To help with water I keep a water bottle with either lemon in it or recently started putting a 4 cup Pyrex measuring cup in the microwave with a chunk of ginger and cinnamon stick and heating it then putting it in the fridge to cool. I fill my water bottle up 1/3 with it and water and keep refilling when it's almost low, it lasts throughout the day and tastes awesome, especially when sweating my butt off at the gym! Cucumber and mint or herbal iced tea is great too. My health really improved after losing weight and I was pretty bad off between diabetes, chronic pain, and fatty liver disease (was in constant pain and throwing up all the time). Of all places this is a safe place to post your weight, we're all in this together! I went up to 222 after back surgery and quitting smoking, I'm at 121 now and maintaining, you'll get here too.
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    edited March 2020
    Sounds like you are on a really good mission. Like you I'd been way too casual about my weight until it affected my health. I have plantar fasciitis in my foot - so painful to walk anywhere at all, but would be a lot less painful if I weren't carrying 30lb excess weight, so this time it's coming off and staying off.
    If your leg is hurting, try googling 'hurt foot workouts' on you tube. There are loads of them and they are really good for keeping active when the lower leg or foot is in pain.
  • NalaBellyFIT
    NalaBellyFIT Posts: 47 Member
    Hello! A month ago I was at the heaviest I’d ever been, too. And now I’m not. Like you, I’ve still got a ways to go, but I’m learning to love and trust the process. Keep forming those good habits — you’re setting up a great foundation! Sounds like you’ve got plenty of motivation... just aim to improve a little bit each day and you’ll do great!
  • LadyRush
    LadyRush Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 46 and was almost back to my heaviest.. I started 5 weeks ago and plateau at week 3.I actually added some carbs... Started weighing the meats that I eat and tweeked my exercise. I've been to the gym every day for a month. Sometimes just for quick cardio. It's hard not to ge impatient. I've lost 12.4 lbs sor far and it is frustrating how slowly the scale grudgingly goes down. But I will not give up. I would love to lose 80...but my next goal is 20 lost...... I would love more friends!!!!