Intoduce myself


I just wanted to say 'Hello' and introduce myself. I've previously been on MFP and successfully managed to lose 22 lbs and felt fantastic!!

I have booked to run a marathon at the end of October 2013 and this is a huge motivating factor for me, unfortunately since my training started I have gained weight instead of maintaining and I know that I have the tendency to think that if I'm running big miles I can totally let go of my eating! With this in mind I plan to train hard, eat well on the days I'm running long distance but get down to the weight I was a few months ago so that I can perform at my best.

Is anyone else out there doing any running, cycling etc.. and finding it difficult to curb their eating? I'd love to hear from you and share some motivational tips.


Kate :smile:


  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    The unfortunate thing is that running, cycling or any other cardio will probably make you hungrier since you are constantly burning calories. I also ran a marathon earlier this year and a half marathon last year. My problems with controlling my appetite usually come after 9:00 PM. I'd simply try to go bed earlier to avoid eating too much. Those who sleep more tend to weigh less, more often than not.