Need some tips and advice...

MeganRobinson322 Posts: 6
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
So I just recently got back into the swing of things as far as MFP is concerned...I exercised intensely one day in doing Jillian's 30 day shred at level one and I was unable to walk without being in pain for a few days I'm living a non active lifestyle at this time due to being out of work and my husband works all day in landscaping, so there's only so much housework that can be done in one week for 2 people haha.

I need some tips, advice, ANYTHING! to help with getting the weight loss adventure started.
I was told by another all she did up until recently was just monitor what she ate (less and better choices than before) and she lost 50lbs. I know that's not true for everyone, but that's why I'm seeking tips and advice.

All my weight has come from having a child...over 4 years ago! I put on so much weight while I was pregnant with my son and it has fluctuated up and down since, but I have not seen the 100s in all this time since before I got pregnant (size 6 150lbs).

I think a lot of the weight recently has to do with depression and the medication I'm on for it.
But it's time for this weight to go and I need EXTREME help/motivation/advice/support/etc. to get through it and lose it

Good journey to all those on the weight loss road and God bless


  • BadassCrossfitMama
    BadassCrossfitMama Posts: 110 Member
    drink water!!! Lots and lots and lots of water!!! No joke - check out my blog :)
    Find something that you like to do - find your thing - mine is running. That way you will stick with it.
    Get friends that have similar goals - that always helps.
    Limit fast food and sodium intake.
    I'm sure you know all of this but it's nice to have a reminder sometimes :)
  • BekahCracknell
    BekahCracknell Posts: 3 Member
    I've started doing a type of self-defense / work out called Krav Maga it's really good as it's not too aerobic but burns around 700 cals an hour - and its lots of fun!
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    Take a walk with your child. Take a walk with a friend or even your husband. Whom I am sure is exhausted when he gets home. Eat small meals and snacks through the day. I eat about every 2-3 hours. If you are feeling hungry when you go to eat you have gone beyond this stage is called the starvation stage. I am a diabetic and I swear the medication I am on makes me gain weight and most of all crave carbs (chips, bagels etc). Do the 30 day shred in small increments. Get one portion down so that you can do well. Then do the next. It took me much longer than 30 days to get through the first session. But I didn't. If you have a Wii do the boxing, tennis, golf bowling games. If you don't have one try the internet for exercise routines. U tube has a million of them! Again pick one that works for you.

    Eat all your calories. Believe it was very difficult for me to do that. I was eating 700 a day. My doctor explained that I was putting my body into starvation mode. So it was storing fat in order for me to survive.

    Get a physical-

    I will be you friend you if want. Let me know.
  • calorie control and a 30minute walk daily is a good way to start. I have now introduced 4 gym sessions. Keep it up
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I too gained all my weight from my 2 pregnancies. I gained 70 lbs with my first, lost half of that, then I gained 45 lbs with my second and it just went up from there.

    I am also on antidepressents which I know can aid in weight gain as well.

    What has worked for me:

    Drink lots of water....I drink AT LEAST 3 Sigg bottles full (1L) a day
    Cut out soda
    Cut out all the junk food/processed foods and switch to lots of fresh fruits and veggies
    Cut down on portion sizes
    Eat about 5 mini meals per day
    Exercise (combination of 3 days of high intensity cardio (60-67 mins per session), 3 days of heavy lifting (60-80 mins per session) per week).

    I started off slow with the exercise. I walked for about 30 minutes per day when I first started and gradually increased the intensity and time as I got stronger. I added the weights later on which have really helped to firm up my body...highly recommended! allow yourself treat once in a while!!

    Good luck!!
  • Tamois
    Tamois Posts: 64 Member
    Don't try and run before you can walk. Break yourself into exercising gently and build up your stamina and strength before moving onto more strenuous exercise. Running and hard exercise is even more damaging if you're overweight too. Well done on getting started!
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    Play with your child, they have lots of energy. Play tag, kick a ball around, play catch, play with your child at the park, take a walk, so many things you can do. Just keep moving
  • I started with logging everything that I ate. This practice made me consider every morsel that I put into my mouth. Next, I started drinking a LOT of water (12+ glasses each day). I also resolved to move at least 30 minutes a day--walking, dancing, riding a bike--anything active. Since January, I've dropped 78 pounds.

    If I can do it, anyone can. Good luck!
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    All very good advice.... take small steps in the right direction and before you know it you will notice the changes.

    Drink LOTS of water, eliminate junk food, add fruits and veggies, and any kind of movement. Walking, dancing, playing with your child.... just getting up and doing something is a good start.

    Best of luck.
  • angiewf
    angiewf Posts: 175 Member
    Swimming is good exercise as the water supports you so there's less strain on joints and muscles, and it's something you can enjoy with the family too.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Don't try and run before you can walk. Break yourself into exercising gently and build up your stamina and strength before moving onto more strenuous exercise. Running and hard exercise is even more damaging if you're overweight too. Well done on getting started!


    I've seen people who push themselves too hard at the beginning only to burn out after a short time.

    Weight loss (permanent weight loss) should be about lifestyle changes. If I'm not willing to do "it" for the rest of my life, then I don't do it to lose weight.

    1. Log your food. Your food choices won't be perfect, but they will improve over time. Logging makes you very aware of portion sizes ... measure your portions.... don't just guesstimate.

    Foods that give you the "most bang" for your calorie buck are non-processed (whole foods). Processing takes away portein, fiber and nutrients a lot of times. Processing also adds (non essential) sugars and fats. That's not to say fat is not important to your is. It's just that many people are not aware of how much fat is added.

    2. Move more. I starting with a modest exercise goal (I started at 90 minutes a week) ..... then added, and added more. Pretty soon this become a habit for me.

    Start with something that is not going to cause pain for several days. 30 Day Shred is high impact ..... I can't do high impact (wonky knee) .... so I do low impact. For cardio I recommend Leslie Sansone Walk At Home ..... these are low impact aerobics DVDs without choreography ..... this allows you to do them slower (if needed) .... without getting lost & falling behind. You do as many miles as you have time for. is a great place to look at exercise videos. They give video clips, reviews, state fitness level, impact level, if equipment is needed, etc. .......

    Find something that you like to do ..... this will likely make it much more consistant.
  • FaitheSoler
    FaitheSoler Posts: 107 Member
    I am not sure if you like my reply or not but here is what I believe will work for you. No soda in the house and junk food. Do not buy those low calories and sugar free foods. They add extra non healthy stuff to replace the sugar. Try your best to buy frozen or farmer fresh veggies and fruit. People do not know that most veggies and fruit lose their nutrient value the longer they sit. I started my own garden and I taste the difference. Small portions are important even if you treat your self. At any meal I eat my veggies first, then my meat, and I always give my self a small portion of the non healthy item at dinner like roll, pasta, and mash potatoes..=) You will be surprise half the time you will be full before you get to those Eat very slowly it takes time for the stomach to send your brain you are full. Like everyone says drink lots of water. You will be going to the bathroom a lot but you will be flushing toxins out of your body. Also water keeps you feeling full. No more than two healthy snacks a day. I spent at least 2 months of researching foods and exercise. Start off exercising with walking and stretching for about 30 minutes a day. Once it feels easy to you or you do not feel the burn anymore up the work out. Once a week treat your self but do not over due it you will feel sick. When we go to a fast food place it makes me sick and greasy food makes me sick. I loved fast food and now I am like no fast food I started this a over a year ago. I was 185 lbs and now I am 141 lbs went from size 14 to 8. I have 4 children and they take most of my time but I always find time to work out. My best advise is to research foods and exercises that fit your body. Best of luck on your new life style !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I started slow.
    I found MFP about two months after having my son. The only change I made for the first two months was cutting out the worst of the crap from my diet ( believe me it was TERRIBLE)
    When it warmed up, I started taking the kids to the park and just walked the track a lap. Then I worked it up to 30 minutes three days a week.
    I didn't start doing Zumba until I hit my goal weight.
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