Strength Training with no weight loss!!!

Help! I am not sure what to do. I started with MFP in June and cut calories down to 1400, I workout 3x a week with strength training and cardio (I do eat my workout calories back). The problem is I am not losing any weight and it is the middle of august. I like lifting and strength training, I can see the definition in my legs and arms and now my weights are like childs play and I need to go buy heavier ones, but I am not dropping any pounds. I have lost only a half inch around my waist and hips and my pants are snug. They fit differently but they are still snug :( I am frustrated and don't know if I should quit lifting until I lose 20 pounds are keep trucking along??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    Just to double-check: do you actually NEED to lose weight, or is that just your way of saying "I want to get in shape"?
    Because if the weight stalls but inches drop, there is not really anything wrong..
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Whatever you do, DO NOT stop lifting! It is much easier to preserve the muscle as you lose than to lose the muscle during weight loss then try to build it back up. With lifting, the scale will slow....sometimes tremendously. It's usually just water weight, muscles need water to repair so they hoard onto it. Take measurements, these will be a better indicator than the scale. Keep at it and I'm sure you will start getting the results you want, you already said you see more definition so it is working, just not as quickly as you'd hoped! Progress is still progress. Good luck!
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    Is it possible you are overestimating calories burned from your workouts? Or, underestimating calories consumed?
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    Just to double-check: do you actually NEED to lose weight, or is that just your way of saying "I want to get in shape"?
    Because if the weight stalls but inches drop, there is not really anything wrong..

    Also, this - I recently dropped 3% body fat, 2 inches off my waist without dropping a single pound.
  • Som2224
    Som2224 Posts: 12
    I need to lose about 25 pounds. I am 5'5" and 175. I am 36 years old and I have had 3 yeah I need to lose a little bit :) I like being in shape and strong. I have a small farm so I am always working outside and moving heavy things. Strength training seemed to be the right path for me but since I am not losing any weight I am not sure if this is what I should be doing???
  • Som2224
    Som2224 Posts: 12
    Is it possible you are overestimating calories burned from your workouts? Or, underestimating calories consumed?

    I could possibly be wrong about the calories but I usually don't eat all of my exercise calories. I usually will go up to about 1800 on workout days. The thing is I am always hungry and I workout hard with now results. It is frustrating!
  • I am going through the same thing. In the beginning I lost an average of 1-2 lbs. a week. This was so exciting for me and then after a ten lb. loss I decided to start with light weights (5 lb.) and working out 2-3 x weekly. I also included 2-3 wkly cardio, but last week oh wow I hit the scaled on to see an increase of 3 lbs. I was shocked because I don't eat back all of the calories because I don't know if the exercise calories burned is as stated. Some of these exercise calories per age and weight are unreal in 30 minutes I find it hard to believe that I exercised 423 calories off of 45 minutes of Zumba. So what I do is half the calorie amount or eat most of it "if I am hungry". Some of these comments on here say "eat the calories back" others say "no don't" but use 20% of TDEE. So I get real confused. I talked with a nurse today and she said it is "water weight" and to drink more water and in a couple of days I will see the scales go down. I pray so. So now I am adding more water and will wait this out for a few days and see. IF that is what it is and I pray it is I will repost my results. Hope we both drop!
  • Som2224
    Som2224 Posts: 12
    I am going through the same thing. In the beginning I lost an average of 1-2 lbs. a week. This was so exciting for me and then after a ten lb. loss I decided to start with light weights (5 lb.) and working out 2-3 x weekly. I also included 2-3 wkly cardio, but last week oh wow I hit the scaled on to see an increase of 3 lbs. I was shocked because I don't eat back all of the calories because I don't know if the exercise calories burned is as stated. Some of these exercise calories per age and weight are unreal in 30 minutes I find it hard to believe that I exercised 423 calories off of 45 minutes of Zumba. So what I do is half the calorie amount or eat most of it "if I am hungry". Some of these comments on here say "eat the calories back" others say "no don't" but use 20% of TDEE. So I get real confused. I talked with a nurse today and she said it is "water weight" and to drink more water and in a couple of days I will see the scales go down. I pray so. So now I am adding more water and will wait this out for a few days and see. IF that is what it is and I pray it is I will repost my results. Hope we both drop!

    Thank you so much! It is nice to see someone with the same problem on here. The first week I dropped 4 pounds and then I started strength training and that's when I hit the wall. I will definitely drink more water and see if that helps. Good luck to you and diddo - I hope we both drop =)
  • Som2224
    Som2224 Posts: 12
    Lol!!! oops that would be ditto!!! Thank you everyone for your suggestions and support!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Check out Staci. Notice in the end she weighs more but is smaller. Weight is not the only indicator of progress.

    Also search the forums for ladies lifting and progress shots. You will be amazed! Please don't define yourself by a number on the scale, you are worth so much more than that. Lifting and cardio both have their places in a healthy lifestyle and both should be included, even when trying to lose weight. There is a huge difference between losing weight and losing fat. Lifting with proper calorie intake helps you ensure that you're losing fat and preserving muscle vs. losing fat and muscle through just cardio and no lifting.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    Is it possible you are overestimating calories burned from your workouts? Or, underestimating calories consumed?

    I could possibly be wrong about the calories but I usually don't eat all of my exercise calories. I usually will go up to about 1800 on workout days. The thing is I am always hungry and I workout hard with now results. It is frustrating!

    Are you weighing and measuring your food, and eating enough fruits and vegetables? If I don't eat enough vegetables, I am ravenous.
  • It has taken me about 3 weeks to loose more than a single pound since I started running/walking at least 3 miles a day. I am pretty sure I was adding muscle. This week I have lost 3 is nice to see it start to come off!
  • Emprawrting
    Emprawrting Posts: 10 Member
    It seems as though you've hit a plateau :P. Might I recommend high intensity cardio such as wind sprints or car pushes? They would help you increase your overall strength/conditioning for your strength training oppose to low intensity steady state cardio (assuming that you're going on the typical "light morning jogs"). In addition to helping you lift heavier things, these types of cardio wouldn't slow down your metabolic rate as much as prolonged low intensity steady state cardio would. Did I mention they're more time efficient? hahah

    Aside from that, you could always try to reverse diet and then diet back down again :). Just make sure you don't stop lifting heavy as you introduce any of these protocols into your routine or else you may end up losing strength.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    I have been strength training since December. At first, I lost quickly then I stalled. I upped my calories beacuse I wasn't feeling energetic during workouts. played around with TDEE, went back to MFP and eating back my calories. I knew I just wasn't serious. I had MFP set for 1500 calories and ate back exercise but on the weekends, I wasn't logging or caring.

    I have recently gotten back to basics. I set my cals for 1400 and still eat back some of my exercise calories. I have been much more diligent in my food choices even on the weekend. I am finally seeing results again. the scale hasn't moved much but I FEEL lighter and several people commenting that I look slimmer so i know I am having success. 205 pound deadlift has been my biggest measure of success!!

    Record those NSV's (non-scale victories) They will begin to mean more to you than that number on the scale! Don't stop lifting! BEing healthy as you age is sooo much more important and lifting will help you with that!

    Good luck!! Friend me if you want!! :flowerforyou:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Help! I am not sure what to do. I started with MFP in June and cut calories down to 1400, I workout 3x a week with strength training and cardio (I do eat my workout calories back). The problem is I am not losing any weight and it is the middle of august. I like lifting and strength training, I can see the definition in my legs and arms and now my weights are like childs play and I need to go buy heavier ones, but I am not dropping any pounds. I have lost only a half inch around my waist and hips and my pants are snug. They fit differently but they are still snug :( I am frustrated and don't know if I should quit lifting until I lose 20 pounds are keep trucking along??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    So on a farm with that level of work - I sure hope you didn't select Sedentary as your MFP non-exercise level, because obviously you aren't.
    Active would probably be right.

    Then your 2 lb weekly weight loss.

    Then log your lifting using MFP estimate. It may seem low calorie burn compared to cardio, but that is absolutely true, it is during the workout.
    If done right, the repair burns more fat later.

    And yes, that will end up you eating more. With your stats and given activity level outside exercise, you are seriously underfeeding for that amount of a workout.

    First weight drop was probably half water, if not more, depending on how much sodium you ate less compared to normal. That's false weight loss.

    And yes lifting will leave you hungry to a certain degree, not massive, but your body is trying to make great improvements and you aren't going to feed it enough to do so, rather forcing it to use fat.

    But if you don't eat enough, you'll just force your system slower because now the gap is too great, and body is going to protect itself.

    That will usually be seen by progress stopping after initial improvements. Bigger the deficit, faster the plateau. Some keep going for a good long while, slowly losing less and less, wondering why their 500 cal deficit is still not causing 1 lb weekly loss on average.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Help! I am not sure what to do. I started with MFP in June and cut calories down to 1400, I workout 3x a week with strength training and cardio (I do eat my workout calories back). The problem is I am not losing any weight and it is the middle of august. I like lifting and strength training, I can see the definition in my legs and arms and now my weights are like childs play and I need to go buy heavier ones, but I am not dropping any pounds. I have lost only a half inch around my waist and hips and my pants are snug. They fit differently but they are still snug :( I am frustrated and don't know if I should quit lifting until I lose 20 pounds are keep trucking along??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    So on a farm with that level of work - I sure hope you didn't select Sedentary as your MFP non-exercise level, because obviously you aren't.
    Active would probably be right.

    Then your 2 lb weekly weight loss.

    Then log your lifting using MFP estimate. It may seem low calorie burn compared to cardio, but that is absolutely true, it is during the workout.
    If done right, the repair burns more fat later.

    And yes, that will end up you eating more. With your stats and given activity level outside exercise, you are seriously underfeeding for that amount of a workout.

    First weight drop was probably half water, if not more, depending on how much sodium you ate less compared to normal. That's false weight loss.

    And yes lifting will leave you hungry to a certain degree, not massive, but your body is trying to make great improvements and you aren't going to feed it enough to do so, rather forcing it to use fat.

    But if you don't eat enough, you'll just force your system slower because now the gap is too great, and body is going to protect itself.

    That will usually be seen by progress stopping after initial improvements. Bigger the deficit, faster the plateau. Some keep going for a good long while, slowly losing less and less, wondering why their 500 cal deficit is still not causing 1 lb weekly loss on average.

    Listen to Heybales. He knows his stuff. This is also right on.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    What are you eating? Open your food diary and we might be able to help you. Just exercise will not be enough to lose weight and it has to be the right kind of food.
  • Som2224
    Som2224 Posts: 12
    Help! I am not sure what to do. I started with MFP in June and cut calories down to 1400, I workout 3x a week with strength training and cardio (I do eat my workout calories back). The problem is I am not losing any weight and it is the middle of august. I like lifting and strength training, I can see the definition in my legs and arms and now my weights are like childs play and I need to go buy heavier ones, but I am not dropping any pounds. I have lost only a half inch around my waist and hips and my pants are snug. They fit differently but they are still snug :( I am frustrated and don't know if I should quit lifting until I lose 20 pounds are keep trucking along??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    So on a farm with that level of work - I sure hope you didn't select Sedentary as your MFP non-exercise level, because obviously you aren't.
    Active would probably be right.

    Then your 2 lb weekly weight loss.

    Then log your lifting using MFP estimate. It may seem low calorie burn compared to cardio, but that is absolutely true, it is during the workout.
    If done right, the repair burns more fat later.

    And yes, that will end up you eating more. With your stats and given activity level outside exercise, you are seriously underfeeding for that amount of a workout.

    First weight drop was probably half water, if not more, depending on how much sodium you ate less compared to normal. That's false weight loss.

    And yes lifting will leave you hungry to a certain degree, not massive, but your body is trying to make great improvements and you aren't going to feed it enough to do so, rather forcing it to use fat.

    But if you don't eat enough, you'll just force your system slower because now the gap is too great, and body is going to protect itself.

    That will usually be seen by progress stopping after initial improvements. Bigger the deficit, faster the plateau. Some keep going for a good long while, slowly losing less and less, wondering why their 500 cal deficit is still not causing 1 lb weekly loss on average.

    Good advice and thank you so much. I am pretty active and I have been starving. Today I am sooo hungry I want to eat everything =) I am eating at 1400 calories, what would you suggest?
  • Muscles weigh way more then fat :) it's even possible to lose fat but gain weight while you are lifting weights. Measure your progress by cm's. You will see that it's working.

    Also, your body will burn more kcal every day when you have bigger muscles. So what you are doing now will help you in the long run :).

    So as long as you are losing centimeters.. don't worry! your "diet" is working, the weight loss will follow at some point.
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    Don't stop lifting, ever! Keep it up, and don't lose hope. It's highly likely that you're packing on muscle and that's countering your fat loss. Give yourself a couple of days break from over analysing yourself in the mirror and come back to it with a refresh, less critical eye.

    You also say that you're starving. Don't make yourself ill over this, bud. Eat back your exercise calories and if that isn't enough then set your goal to 1 pound a week. Don't risk illness, especially if you're trying to burn the candle at both ends with weight loss and bulking at the same time. It's a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet, so make sure you're happy with what you're doing!