Underactive Thyroid - When do you take your meds?



  • StarPanic85
    StarPanic85 Posts: 45 Member
    I take mine at the same time every morning. Wait 2 hours to have breakfast. on 50 of levo. Working great for me so far. And yes you have to take it the same time every time for it to work right.
  • countessboobala1
    don't go a day without them thats not good.i would take it in the morning if you want to switch.but i would pick at time and stick with it.i never tried the evening but i think it gives you a bit of energy so i don't think that would work for me.i take mine 1-2 hours before eating in the morning.i have a routine about it.i used to take it when i ate my breakfast so i wouldn't forget but found that they didnt work as good and i got tired in the afternoon like they were not working.much better taking them on an empty stomach as your supposed to..i'm stubborn though.oh well live and learn i guess..:)
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I have never heard of this but when you think about it, it makes sense!! im going to try it!!
  • XxCaz89xX
    All very interesting answers!

    I went on holiday for 2 weeks and changed to taking my meds in the morning as I was forgetting at night and with eating late and drinking etc it didn't seem a good idea and I gained half a stone! I'm deffo thinking taking them in the evening makes a difference. I have a blood test this week so we will see what my levels come back at!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    Interesting... I just started on the levo (this is my 4th week), my endo said take it in the am but I have been taking my reflux meds in the morning so I started taking the levo at night before bed, it was pretty tough planning out the timing of my eating to stop so I could wait the two hours to take the meds before bed. Over the weekend, work got in the way, I got called out for a sample at 5pm, didn't get to eat supper until I got home at midnight, there was no way I was staying up til 2 to take it, I was exhausted so I flipped my levo and my reflux meds. So I've been taking the levo in the morning with my bcp (endo didn't say bcp would have any effect on it, only that the reflux med would and I would have to take them 4 hours apart) and my reflux meds at night with my allergy meds
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I take mine first thing in the morning with a huge glass of water and typically don't eat for 1-3 hours afterwards.
  • dualcollision
    dualcollision Posts: 87 Member
    I also take my first thing in the morning. on an empty stomach. with a half glass to full glass of water. Then shower to give it time to kick in.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I take natural thyroid, since the synthroid did not alleviate all of my symptoms. I take it twice a day, and I haven't even been worrying about what I take it with. The next blood tests will tell.
  • lfdunne
    I would caution against taking vitamins at the same time as your Thyroid meds w/o talking with your Dr.
    I was told to take my vitamins hours after taking the levothyroxin so that they don't interfere with medication absorption. He has even told me that taking vitamins at night would interfere if I took the thyroid meds first thing in the morning. Lunch was the best time for a vitamin (according to my Dr.)
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    Synthroid or other thyroid replacement medications should be taken by themselves, on an empty stomach with a minimum of 30 minutes, and better yet, an hour before any other intake, including other medications.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    At this point in my life, and after trying to juggle medications with food and drinks, I have decided to just take the stuff twice a day, which is better than once, and not worry about it. If I'm not absorbing all of it, I will just take more. Life is too short.
  • hippiegrandma
    hippiegrandma Posts: 1 Member
    What is bcp? I take synthroid, prilosec, zyrtec, fish/krill oil and milk thistle every morning. Vitamins after dinner. Going to try taking the synthroid before bed over the weekend and see what happens.
  • cathychapman75
    Even though my Doctor said to take my Thyroxine tab first thing in the morning, I cannot function without my cup of tea with milk first up, so I made the decision to take it just before going to bed. It works for me!
  • nebakanessa
    Thanks for this post. I've been taking 50 mcg in the a.m., but along with my vitamin and antidepressant. I also don't wait very long before eating/drinking. I'll try the night time!
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I'm not much of a morning eater, so I take them in the AM with water or coffee, usually go workout, come home take my vitamin D after I eat. Vitamin D will keep you from absorbing the thyroid meds. I can't take mine at night because I take a natural formula with a lot of t3 in it and it keeps me up. I used to take my synthetic stuff (synthroid) at night though when I was on that.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I usually take mine between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. I wake up to go to the bathroom at that time and just take it then. I go back to bed and sleep a couple of hours and then get up and drink coffee. It's worked for me. I take 50 mcg and haven't had to increase it.
  • jebuhro
    It is really important to take your thyroid meds alone, four hours between other meds. If you take it in the morning it should be the ONLY pill you take in the morning. Then, you must wait 30-60 minutes before eating, and 3-4 hrs before ingesting calcium.

    I take Armour in the morning and all of my other meds before bed. I eat breakfast about an hour and a half after I take my meds.
  • CinDenn3
    I take 100mcg before I go to bed. It's just easier for me to remember then.
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    Sooooo I'm just interested to see when and how people with an under-active thyroid are taking their meds and if they have seen a change by taking your meds at differemt times?

    I have recently started taking my 75mg just before I go to bed and a good 4 hours after eating and I have lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks! I've always previously taken them first thing in the morning but having read an article on the internet about how calcium, vitamins, caffeine and high fibre foods all effect the effectiveness of Levothyroxine I thought I would try shifting to taking them in the evening. I'm not sure whether this is due to my fasted am workouts or the shift in when I take the levothyroxine? anyone had similar results?

    Do you remember the type of testing they did to see about your Hypothyroidism? The women in my family all had either hyper, or hypo and were on meds for it as well. I need to have mine checked, again because I was told that many Drs. do a simple test that rarely show any symptoms, and that I most likely had and under-active Thyroid. So I was thinking that if I knew the type of test you or any of the posters had, then perhaps I could have the correct one done this time.
  • CometMeebru
    This is a interesting concept. I too take my pills first thing in the morning but perhaps will consider taking it at night with my multi vitamin and my good bacteria tablets.


    You can't possibly be serious?

    You're instructed to take them on an empty stomach, multivitamins and minerals reduce the absorption of the Levothyroxine.

    It even says on your prescription sheet, and the pill bottle to take on an empty stomach and to NOT drink vitamins or minerals within a 4 hour period of consuming the Levothyroxine.