Strength of will

I don't want anyone to think that I'm like a braggart. Because I'm not. when I was 16 years old I was rather short. And in one month my legs grew 13 in which caused my spine to basically collapse which was also collapsing my lungs. at that point I only had about four months left to live because of how my spine was collapsing. I spent a year in the hospital. When I got out I had to exercise basically for the rest of my life. so the reason I'm losing weight isn't because I want to look better. At my age I'm not really very interested in impressing anyone anymore. The reason I'm losing weight is to take weight off of my spine and my hips and my legs. That's really what it's all about. Plus I'm exercising because I have to so that my spine and hips won't lock up. Which I've had to do since I was 18 when I got out of the hospital.

I don't believe in any way that I am special. And I have never felt that way ever in my life. There is nothing I have ever done in my life that anyone else can't do. And when I think about all of the amazing men women and children in this world dealing with absolutely unbeatable odds. I don't consider myself even on the radar. in reality I'm nothing more than a grain of sand on a very large Beach. And all I'm trying to do with these last years I have in my life is to try to be as healthy as I possibly can. And to stay as healthy as I can. And one of the reasons for that is because I just can't afford any kind of major hospital bills. So it's up to me to stay as healthy as I can. Basically what sums me up is that I'm too scared to die and too stubborn to quit.

so that's really why I'm using this fitness and diet program. Just to manage my diet and my exercise so that I can stay as healthy as I possibly can in these years, which are the very last year's I'm going to live in this world.

And then if I'm lucky, when I finally do get to the end of the road. If I'm really lucky, and if it's possible, then somehow, in some way, I will find my beloved late wife. I don't know that's true. But I also don't know that it's not true. And we were married 18 years. If she hadn't died of cancer we would still be together right now. So that's really why I'm in this community. And there's no one here with me to urge me on so I have to urge myself on.

so I live a very pure and very basic life. I go to bed at the same time I get up at the same time. And instead of sitting on the sofa and watching TV, and possibly feeling sorry for myself. I either get on the bike and exercise. Or I work on the property, or I do some work in the house, or I help my neighbors. And that's really all that I'm about. I'm not special in anyway I'm just different.

And to all the people in this wonderful community please know that you are in my thoughts in my prayers always. And that again, you can do anything that you can possibly think of if you want to do it. You can do anything oh, no matter what it is. You can do it if you want to. All it takes is a strength of will.

to everyone, while we around the world, are facing this extremely dangerous and deadly pandemic. Please know that while I can't really do much to help hardly anyone in the world anymore. I can pray and I can send good thoughts and I can hold all those who are suffering and struggling in any way in my heart with hope and with light.

Have a great day everyone.

Be well always,


PS. My mother named me. She was drunk, and, basically nuts. So growing up with my name I had to have a good sense of humor. Which I still have today.
