Need advice on Protein Shakes for Insanity.

So I'm about to start the Insanity workouts (I started before but hurt my knee at dance :frown: ). The only trouble is that there is no way I can follow the diet plan, mainly because I hardly like anything on the plan (even the substitutes are ewwy to me). Also college starts again soon and I can't be eating the set meals when I'm there.
But I'll still be eating healthy and sensibly, so I'm wondering if getting some protein shakes will help make up for not following it - I know the diet plan is high protein, and I do want results from it.
Any tips on what protein shakes etc would also be useful!


  • bobbystrongarm
    Not sure which foods you find "ewwy" but I'll tell you one thing protein shakes are not good tasting. I'd rather eat whole foods, lean meats, and vegetables any day then chug down a protein shake. Granted I do both. Some are much better than others, but there is no escaping you are drinking large volumes of powder mixed in water or whatever.

    That said, hop on You can search through their huge selection of protein with many nice customizable search fields. You can filter by price, price per serving, user review rating, amount of protein per serving, etc.

    I usually just buy whatever has a good price per serving, and has the most protein in its price range. For example there will be 5 choices that end up costing $.60 per serving, but only one of them will have 30g of protein in that serving and the others will have 23g. So I take the 30g as long as the reviews don't say its awful tasting.

    They always have sales so the best buy fluctuates quite a bit. Make sure to get either whey, whey isolate, or a blend. Casein is slower digesting and is primarily used before bed. I steer clear from soy as a guy because it can lower test levels for us. Blends are a mix of whey, casein, and soy or egg usually. Whey has been getting more and more expensive to manufacture, so they are coming out with blends to reduce the cost. Nothing wrong with a good blend. Some studies have actually suggested that a blend is ideal because of the various rates of digestion, but like any study in this field there is usually one with conflicting information so take it with a grain of salt.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I like eating food. I did Insanity without the protein shakes, and ate regular food while tracking on MFP and was happy with the results.
  • ambuuh
    ambuuh Posts: 6
    I'm okay with horrible tasting drinks! I can't stand milk (no matter what kind), or any cheeses which Insanity seems to have a lot of.
    I'm picky with veg too so the diet plan really has nothing for me!

    I'll try that website, thaks so much!
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    I'm okay with horrible tasting drinks! I can't stand milk (no matter what kind), or any cheeses which Insanity seems to have a lot of.
    I'm picky with veg too so the diet plan really has nothing for me!

    I'll try that website, thaks so much!

    Try 100% Gold Standard Whey by Optimum. Never had a bad tasting flavor from them. You can find it at most fitness shops, but it's usually cheapest on