Can't seem to get started

With this stupid virus going around and everything being weird, I can't seem to stick to a plan. I've gained 10 pounds and am getting flusterated. I don't have it and still working although we're not open to the public. #LibraryCataloger


  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Can you think of some simple changes that would be easier for you to stick to? Some ideas: commit to logging everything you eat (even if it's a day when you're over-plan), add 1-2 servings per day of a type of food you want to eat more of, eat 1-2 servings a day less of a food of a type of food you want to eat less of, get some intentional physical activity every day (even if it's a stroll around the block or some stretches), stick to a bedtime that gets you at least seven hours of sleep per night, pack your own lunch one more day a week . . . these are just examples, but there may be some gentle changes you can make. Above all, don't beat yourself up. This is a hard time for everyone. Lots of people are finding their habits adjusting or having to come up with strategies to cope.


    Don't think in terms of what you must do. Think in terms of what you can do.

    You also do not need to lose weight at the highest level of weight loss for your situation or even lose weight each day. A weekly calorie deficit will end in weight loss and it is better to lose a small amount easily than struggle even starting to lose a larger amount. If 1 pound a week is healthy for you, you can lose at .5lb per week for now or you could choose to do something like eat at your normal calorie goal for 5 days and on the weekends eat your maintenance calories.

  • etolv
    etolv Posts: 48 Member
    I think it really helps me to sit down and write out what I plan to have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for each day. Then, there's no guessing or excuses about what you're going to eat. Writing out a week's worth of meals also helps to inform a shopping list for the grocery store. If it's more than just you, talk to the other people in your household about what they'd like to see on the menu plan. Good luck, I know it is certainly a unique time for everyone.
  • MomLarisa
    MomLarisa Posts: 225 Member
    Ditto the above on small changes you can do. When hungry, make yourself drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes, then if your still hungry eat. For me, when I feel starved I grab a diet pop, chew gum, go brush my teeth and then wait 20 minutes. I also ask myself would I eat carrots or an apple, if the answer is yes I know I'm hungry and allow myself to eat something healthy and then the not so healthy too. Figure out what your hardest thing is; counting calories, exercising? Don't worry about those things as much for now. Small changes will make a difference down the road.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Maybe make it a plan to stop gaining, for now, instead of trying to lose? You don't have to start losing right away. It's okay to put things on pause and focus on coping. Set your current goal to "maintain weight" and nudge yourself here and there to stay within that budget. Don't change things, tweak them. Eating a burger? Have a diet soda instead of regular. Eating pizza today? Have one of your lighter usual breakfasts...etc. This experience of being mindful without being restrictive with help you develop some very useful skills you could use when you do decide you're ready to start losing.

    Don't beat yourself up. Being human and reacting to a hard situation is not a character flaw.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    I agree with the above. Its stressful right now..maybe just set your calories to maintain & try that. If you are under that even a little, you will be losing.
  • cocoamama1975
    cocoamama1975 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks ya'll. I was doing good when I could go to the gym. I'll try ya'lls suggestions and see what works. It's hard enough having to be gluten free (I have Celiac).
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    Try to find something regular that you do every day. Do you work? Great! Working from home? Do something regular, like walk through your livingroom for just 5 minutes every full hour or do something similar at regular intervals. Doesn't need to be at the full hour. Maybe every time you refill a glass of water/tea. Not working? Find something to do: great time to learn a new language (Duolingo!), a programming language, knitting, anything really. Keep yourself busy and reserve time at the same time every day for it. Don't sit around, watch tv and feel grumpy. Find something you think you might enjoy.