After baby body: Claiming my shape back, who's in?



  • margate_mom
    margate_mom Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    I’m so ready to claim my shape back! I’m tired of wearing baggy shirts to hide that I still have a belly (33 months pp).

    I would like to start working out just lacking the motivation..... any tips or suggestions?
  • katashalouise
    katashalouise Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I’m determined to get back in shape/lose my pregnancy weight. Just had my second child 4 weeks ago and want to lose 30lbs+ and just get fitter/healthier in general :)
  • gracetipikin
    gracetipikin Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! Im pretty new do i officially join this group?
    Have 3 kiddos-birth mom to youngest 2- ages 2 and 11months.
    I've gone from 175 to about 147 so far. Would be great to be 135 again.
    I'm still nursing but have been counting calories and trying to work out about 5 times a week. Been focusing on core strength and losing my "momma belly"
    My youngest was a 10 pounder and born late so im pretty stretched out!☺
  • gracetipikin
    gracetipikin Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    I’m so ready to claim my shape back! I’m tired of wearing baggy shirts to hide that I still have a belly (33 months pp).

    I would like to start working out just lacking the motivation..... any tips or suggestions?

    I totally get it! running around the house with Littles all day...working out is about the last thing i want to do.
    I hate running so I like the walk at home videos.
    Dance That Walk by Gina B is a great series. she has workouts from about 10 minutes to 45 minutes so you do what you feel up to and have time for.
    I had good results using them I lost about 20lb.
    Now I'm using an app called Lose Belly Fat
    It's a 30 day 15 minute workout plan 3 days on 1 day off- you burn around 290-375 calories per workout.
    You can do it!
  • AnneMP1977
    AnneMP1977 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Count me in! I’m an older mum (I turn 43 in a few weeks!) of 2 boys (1 and 3). I’ve been slowly losing weight (I’m down to about 62.5kg), and want to get to 60kg. The last kgs are hard! I’m 172cm.
    I’m tandem feeding and found I just ate so much trying to cope! I live in a constant state of sleep deprivation which doesn’t help my eating!
    I find regular weight check ins or weekly progress photo buddies have helped me in the past, so feel free to add me as a friend.
    I’m also in a few diet bets (I have to reach 60kg by 1st June), which has helped me stay on track.
    I’ve also signed up for MUTU but struggle to find the time so really only doing the posture stuff for now. I hate my tummy and want it flat again!
  • dlingafelt24
    dlingafelt24 Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in!

    I have an 8 year old daughter whom I lost the baby weight plus 20 pounds a year after she was born. Then I had two boys (now 5 and 2) and I’m really missing my body before.

    Feel free to add me! We are in this together!!
  • Natheera
    Natheera Posts: 6 Member
    Is this thread still going? I'd like to join, I gave birth to twins last year (they turn 1 this may) and I have a 6 yr old and 4 Yr old (yep 4 kids all up 😂). I've just turned 30 so I can't be so laid back with my diet. I am a sugar addict! I'm 162cm and currently 65kg-was 75kg when I have birth so I've lost 10kg so far.. Although too slow for my liking, taking a year! My aim is 57kg, but will be happy to reach 60. I am still breastfeeding my twins and with covid, I haven't been gymming, and haven't been working out at home either! Please motivate me!
  • mimiyo1980
    mimiyo1980 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi mum's! This is exactly the group I was looking for!
    Im looking for accountability, support and some mamma company while I lose my last 10kg. 2 kiddos under 5, also moved to a new continent with a newborn, turning 40 in 3 months (yikes!) And feel like my body is like a bowl of jelly!

    I've lost over 20kg on MFP over the years and after both pregnancies.
  • ranganayakee
    ranganayakee Posts: 67 Member
    Please add me in as well. Long time lurker. Used MFP to lose over 25 kg for my elder one.
    The fat and the scale refuses to budge post pregnancy number 2 and I am about 8 kg away from my target weight.

    Looking for recipe ideas (am a veggie) and home workout ideas as well (regularly do HASFit, Jillian Michaels)

  • AnneMP1977
    AnneMP1977 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Just a quick update.
    Thanks for those who have added me as a friend, I’ll send you a message after I comment here!
    I’m down a bit more- 61.85kgs / 136.4lbs.
    I’m enjoying mutu system but it really is all about core /flat stomach and not burning lots of calories. I’m only at the end of week 2 (I don’t do it everyday) but I’m already feeling a slight improvement in my tummy.
    I’m still not walking. As soon as I do it flares up my coccyx pain (which I hadn’t felt since 2017 - took about a year to settle after my first), so I’m either doing something wrong or my core isn’t strong enough. 🤷‍♀️
  • quietriver
    quietriver Posts: 38 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hi! I'm Jess 40 and have one little boy (10) I went up around 150+ pounds then said enough, I started on this site at 147 lbs and have lost 27 lbs :) I'm still really squishy so focusing hard on building muscles. So while at a healthy weight I'm normal fat and need to fix that. I guess I lost too much muscle in my bid to get it off fast. (Whoops!) (Fast being it took me 4 years.) I'm looking for changes in inches on my waist and gut not the scale.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    HELLO! I'm in the same boat. No problem losing after my first child but I haven't lost a lb since having my second 15 months ago.

    I finally weaned her so I don't need to deal with my low breastmilk supply any more. Any time I tried to lose weight I lost my milk instead. I'm on domperidone for lactation which makes me hungry but should be done taking them by May 26 (I have to go off slowly).

    I want to lose 15 to 19 lbs. And I just want to get it over with. Safely but quickly. I'm hoping to lose 10-15 by July 20 when I return to work and need more of my clothes to fit.