Sirloin steak in beef teriyaki rice bowl

darreneatschicken Posts: 669 Member
edited March 2020 in Food and Nutrition
I had a beef teriyaki rice bowl from my favourite sushi restaurant today and the waitress told me that they used sirloin steak. Which USDA entry should I use for the sirloin steak? I've attached a picture of what my meal looked like. As you can see, the steak was very thinly sliced.


  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,121 Member
    So here are a few things to consider:

    Many non-steakhouse type restaurants will not use Canadian AAA, AA or A beef, but will use Commercial grade beef. The USDA Prime is more marbled than AAA, Choice comes next, and Select is the least marbled and therefore closest to Commercial.

    You would be looking for a lean meat and fat separable entry and having to make judgement call as to how much of the fat to include. Was the fat in the sauce? Is it in the rice? Has it been left on the grill top? Method of cooking would be braised.

    however, this is an extremely diminishing returns exercise.

    The much more fundamental issues that have a much higher possibility of screwing up your calculations are: how much rice was that on your plate? What was the weight of the meat used? 6oz? 5oz? 8oz?

    When I was trying to maximize my eating within the context of having a large enough deficit, if this was something I would order often, I would take a couple of samples home to deconstruct, weigh, and eat later... or possibly I would order two and take the second one home to do the same.

    Having said that: aren't you trying to bulk but NOT currently under-weight? If this is the case, this does leave you with a bit more lea-way. You don't have to be 100% accurate and you don't have to add x-amount of weight each and every week. In general you want to fully fuel plus a little bit your workouts and your day. But it is the workouts, as long as you're showing an upward weight trend that is not too fast, that are going to drive your muscle growth.