How to calculate your magic weightloss number



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Want a magic number to lose weight?

    Here you go:
    1. Get your fat percentage by using a fat monitor. For example 25%. (that's pretty high)
    2. Get your lean weight. Take your body weight and subtract that fat percent (160-40=120)
    3. Now, get your daily calorie count. Take your lean weight (120) and multiply by the number: 13. 120x13= 1560

    That's your magic number. It is how many calories you should eat to lose weight. For example, 1560 is the number if you weigh 160 and have 25% body fat.

    How do you know how much you are eating? That's easy as well. Use MyFitnessPal to keep track of your daily calories. Make it easier by planning exactly what you are going to eat all day, making sure you hit your daily calorie count. Notice I did not say "make sure you don't go over your daily calorie count" I said make sure you hit it. Your daily calorie count is not only a maximum.

    It's also a minimum.

    Because if you go too low, your body will begin to store body fat in order to survive. Why body fat? Because body fat has 9 calories per gram versus protein and carbs which only have 4. So it hangs on to fat because it thinks you are starving yourself, which you are. And that's not good.

    Once you plan out what you are going to eat, I recommend you eat that every day. Too boring? That's ok, change it next Sunday for the next week. That way you don't have to recalculate every day or even worse, every meal. Too tedious!

    Doesn't matter if you weigh 160, 200, or more. Using the 3 steps above, you too can get exactly how much to eat per day. Now, that magic number (13) is just the start. It is not too aggressive. It's the beginning of limiting how much you will eat. If you want to lose body fat quick, you should lower your intake SLOWLY each week but not too low.

    Others have addressed some of the other misinformation, I would like to point out that the bolded is also gobbledygoo. Where in the world is your body going to get the extra calories to store fat when you aren't eating enough? It doesn't because it can't.

    I feel like there is so much misinformation in this post that nobody can address it all, we're just taking pieces of it. There's too much for any one person to comprehend it all in a single read.

    I didn't want to take too big of a bit. Too many calories.

    And I'm not sure how well you'd digest it. Wouldn't want to risk that kind of indigestion.

    I have an iron stomach, you'd be surprised what I can eat without suffering.

    According to my Fitbit (which has served me well these last 4-5 years), I burned an average of 2459 calories per day last week. This equation would have me eating 1211 calories per day. That's a pretty steep deficit for dropping these last 5 vanity pounds.

    But if you aren't suffering and weak from hunger, are you really making progress? /sarcasm

    What can I say? I like being able to stand upright. :lol:

    Weirdo. :tongue: :laugh:
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,858 Member
    Of course the TO has not come back
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    People are very attracted to "magic" in weight loss.
  • jamloche
    jamloche Posts: 109 Member
    I've never seen a post with 54 disagrees before. I can't look away
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Could that have been an attempted April Fool's post, but waited too long or time zone issue and got 4/2 time stamp?

    I had an interesting one way back when.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,858 Member
    jamloche wrote: »
    I've never seen a post with 54 disagrees before. I can't look away

    *hugs* I hope you'll recover from the shock.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,792 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    Could that have been an attempted April Fool's post, but waited too long or time zone issue and got 4/2 time stamp?

    I had an interesting one way back when.

    To the bold: Judging by other posts, no. Unless not only the time zone but also the calendar zone have issues.
    jamloche wrote: »
    I've never seen a post with 54 disagrees before. I can't look away

    The one "like" makes it just that much more fascinating.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    This thread had solid entertainment value for me. I'm surprised I missed it back in April. I was probably hiding under the bed from Corona bugs back then.

    Trying to follow a complex formula to lose weight is preposterous, but in all actuality this one is no more preposterous than all the Byzantine macro-based stuff - eat (Pi / [age+waist circumference]) in grams of protein, and carbs equal to your age x 2 minus your lower blood pressure number, except legumes. Or Clean Foods, you can eat as much of those as you want, but first you must drink 71.2 ounces of unfiltered water.

    In the end, all these hypercomplex approaches are the same. Just different ways to get around dealing with the 3rd grade algebraic equation that underlies weight loss, because it seems too simple.
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    edited June 2020
    Well, the magic number came surprisingly close to reality, giving me a mere 1000 calorie deficit. I would go absolutely insane sticking to that number every day, but at least there are days in my log with that number.

    ...Imma still grab my shovel, because this is a load of bullpoop that needs to be cleaned up and thrown away.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    So let me get this right. I am a 52 year old female - 5'9". I weigh 206 pounds with a lot of muscle and a bit of fluff. My current body fat is roughly 25%. If I am doing my calculations right, I can eat 2353 calories a day and still lose weight? I am seriously confused how I can eat 400 more calories than my TDEE and still lose weight. I've been doing this all wrong. This really IS magic. I am definitely going to buy his book now.