Managing Calories

I am still in weight loss mode, but only a couple pounds from my goal. Over the seven months it's taken me to lose 22 lbs, I have rarely gone over my daily calorie budget. I do use my exercise calories, but usually have a few calories left over every day - 100 to 300.

How does everyone manage their calorie budget? Do you look at it daily, weekly, or monthly? If you splurge one day, how long do you give yourself to make up for it? As I reach maintenance, I think this is going to be a key factor in maintaining my weight long term. Thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!


  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I look at my weekly average. Like a lot of people I tend to eat more on the weekends, so I eat a little less on the weekdays.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,609 Member
    I’m in the same boat, about 3 pounds away from my goal weight. I weigh daily, but look at my calories consumed in a week. I may have a day over or under, but as long as The average is the calories I am aiming for, it works.

    Of course those last few pounds are the most stubborn, but I’ve discovered that this is when ratcheting down, weighing and logging everything really pays off!
  • kcmcbee
    kcmcbee Posts: 177 Member
    Congratulations! I’m in month 5 of maintenance after an 8 month loss. I weigh every day and log all food every day and watch my weekly stats as well. I kept on at a much lower loss rate for a while after to get below my goal (after lowering it 3 times) and that has worked well also as I expect to put some back on with some light weight training and more exercise. I’m down 85 lbs from where I started and keeping it off and training myself on these new habits ober the past year. Good luck as you seem to be on a good solid path!!