11 months til the big day

Hi folks,

I joined a while ago, but am just getting active. I'm jr_in_seattle. So yeah, I'm in Washington state and I'm getting married in 11 months. Using the next 11 months to use to shed the happiness baby that I've developed over the last year-ish of bliss with my fiance 8-o. (Who knew happiness had so many calories in it?) so I can get into a dream wedding dress in the size I like to consider my ideal size and shape that is much less pearlike than the one I have right now.

Anyway, I'm getting back in shape (one upon a time, I used to do sprint distance triathlons, 5ks, short adventure races and other fun sporty challenges like that), losing weight and reclaiming the health I know I should have.

Happy to be using this tool and finding it mostly okay to work with. I also use the Runkeeper app linked to this account to track runs and walks I do when I don't do gym workouts.

Other things about me: I like comedy, my job, beautiful shoes and really good food. I am an 'adventurous eater', and try to do work in my community to promote the greater good. That just about sums it up. See you at the gym!