Overused muscles

Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
OK, I know I should've started resting my legs more before now, let me say that upfront! I do cardio every day, normally a recumbent bike or the stair treadmill. Between getting a Fitbit and being stuck in the house I've been doing a lot of walking-type videos, dancing ones, and low impact wanna-be HIIT cardio plus walking around the house to hit 15,000 steps. Been pushing through calf and low upper-leg tightness/tingling (have chronic nerve pain from back problems the last 30 years so I'm used to pushing through discomfort and pain). I've dialed it back and it's still a lot of pressure and spasming is getting worse so I'm cutting out cardio and leg weights for now and resting. Still going to keep up foam rolling as it feels amazing, an easy yoga routine for backs that gently stretches the legs, arm and ab weights on the floor or exercise ball, and an old pilates exercise ball DVD routine and stay off my feet and keep them elevated. I'm taking Epsom salt baths, already take Magnesium, and putting Tiger Balm on my legs (I reek!). The articles I read mentioned IB Profen though I already take an anti-inflammatory for my back.

Anything else I should do and if you've been through something similar, how long did it take to heal? Once it's better I'll go back to switching things up with my bike instead of overdoing the same stuff as I've never had this problem before but meanwhile I'm finally going to rest it out as far as any "leg" or standing stuff. Need to start icing too. It's not exactly painful, more very uncomfortable.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,210 Member
    Try this calf stretch every 30 to 60 minutes throughout the day, for 30+ seconds. Post an update in a few days.

    Ice & elevating it reduces blood flow, which slows recovery (reference).