Starting this journey a different way! 150lbs+ to lose

Crazyrain2626 Posts: 5 Member
edited April 2020 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone

I've decided it's time to make some changes in my life - the biggest being losing weight. I have a daunting 158lbs that I would like to lose, but I am giving myself an interim target of losing 88lbs.

I used MFP about 10 years ago but then moved to go to Slimming World. I managed to lose 5 stone but that has all gone back on again and then some! I've tried going back to SW many times, but just keep failing which in the end is making me feel even worse!

Today I have decided to make a real change and try and lose this weight. I do struggle with motivation to get up and exercise and my self-esteem has really taken a knock with me being as big as I am. Luckily my Husband has really stepped up and has been taking our 1yo Labrador puppy out on his daily walks as I don't even want to get dressed most days :(

Anyways - I WILL be making use of the app and the forums and posting my meals and exercise everyday and I hope I will be able to reach my target. I did want to start a family, but I think my procrastination in losing this weight has caused that train to leave the station.

Hopefully there are others in a similar boat to me that need to lose 150lb+ please feel free to add me as a friend :)

Thank you for taking the time to read this ridiculously long message
