No change

I have been working out every day, inter changing with cardio and strength for over two months! Watching my calorie intake and no success on the scale. Obviously I’m doing somethin wrong:(. It’s discouraging to not see any change.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    I have been working out every day, inter changing with cardio and strength for over two months! Watching my calorie intake and no success on the scale. Obviously I’m doing somethin wrong:(. It’s discouraging to not see any change.

    If you are logging and eating back exercise calories, how do you estimate those exercise calories?

    Have you actually lost zero pounds on the scale, or just more slowly than you'd like? If slowly, what are you seeing specifically, how many pounds in how many weeks? Do you see any changes in how your clothes fit, or in measurments?

    What's happening on the eating front, i.e., what does "watching your calorie goal" mean?

    Logging daily, even over-goal days, checking the food database entries you use for accuracy, maybe even weighing food?

    Weight loss has way, way more to do with eating - and balancing that eating to activity, including exercise if you exercise - than it has to do with burning calories just by exercising. I was extremely active for over a decade, and stayed at an obese BMI. Only after I got the eating side where it needed to be did I lose weight, and keep it off.

    I'd love to help, if I can, but it would be useful to know more details.

    Best wishes!