Hi..I'm Julie and I'm 44 yrs old. Last time I weighed I was at 275 approx. and I know I've gained since then. I'm so sick and tired of feeling miserable. Not being able to bend over with out wearing myself out. I feel depressed and upset that I've allowed myself to become this large. I feel ashamed.

But...I have decided that I need to get back at being active. I love to walk. I have a desk job and two kids. I would love to connect on this board with anyone going through this too.



  • HollyPFlax
    HollyPFlax Posts: 79 Member
    Congratulations! I had the exact same epiphany right before I lost my weight. There was a turning point where I realized that I needed to lose weight and that I would do ANYTHING to really lose it. So I did my research and downloaded Myfitnesspal. I realized that the weight loss was going to be a slow process, but doing it this way has taught me so much. Over five years later, I am still maintaining my 50 lb loss.

    So... Welcome! Please let us know if you have any questions. You can also friend me if you'd like. Consistency is very important, so plan on opening this app frequently. And head on over to success stories for some great inspiration if you ever feel like quitting. You can do this!!
  • Carmen_TX
    Carmen_TX Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome!! Excited for your journey!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,426 Member
    Hi I am walking now due to bad knees and joints plus I'm obese! I've also started yoga which I can sort of do....feel free to add me I'm on every day
  • Armymomnyomn
    Armymomnyomn Posts: 3 Member
    I would be grateful if you or anyone else with a weight loss goal like our would friend me so we can support and motivate each other. I just started a few days ago and have a long road ahead. I am 47 and weight 246 and I am only 5 ft 2 so that is very obese. I have health issues and if I don't lose weight I am not going to see my grandson grow up. I am struggling to do this alone...
  • klaus4511
    klaus4511 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, my daughter couldn't find a way out so she took a drastic step. She was really overweight and it was effecting her health. She ended up removing her stomach. At the time I thought she was crazy...but to look at her now , it was worth it. I'm also overweight so I got hold of a crash diet. It works but it does do your body harm. In the end
    my son suggested Myfitnesspal. Best thing I ever did. I lost 13 pounds. I didn't realize I could eat a whole bowl of fruit or two chocolate biscuits for the same calorie count. Amazing...... If you have to eat emotionally and you can't stop it, besides getting counselling, eat fruit and veg. Go to the produce dept. It works.
  • HufflepuffJo9
    HufflepuffJo9 Posts: 52 Member
    My starting weight was 278! I lost 120+ lbs but gained about 20 back being that I was in a somewhat unhealthy relationship. Would love to support you & cheer you on!! 🤩💪🌟 Feel free to add me!! Wishing you the very best in your journey!!!
  • danimo12
    danimo12 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I feel the same way. I will be 43 this summer, and I am 276 pounds. I feel depressed and overwhelmed. I am a mom of four, and I am a teacher. I need to change.
  • DinDin2017
    DinDin2017 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Julie
    I totally understand what your going through I’m 305lbs my heaviest 324lbs. I finally got fed of overeating, being tired and just being depressed all the time. I decided to put the food down and start eating healthier and I feel so much better. So glad you shared your story. Let’s do this!!!!!
  • minnelizzy
    minnelizzy Posts: 45 Member
    I feel similarly. I did my BMI and I’m now technically obese. I’m not really an exercise person but I get steps in at work. I actually just went on a walk for the first time in awhile and it feels good! I just started MyFitnessPal last week and have been tracking and calorie counting and have lost 6 lbs which is great motivation.
  • squeeky96
    squeeky96 Posts: 4 Member
    I am currently at the same point-in the past 4 yrs my highest was 389 lowest 2yrs ago 319-- currently back up to 358- and absolutly disgusted with the was i look, I feel, I hate feeling like I am starting over again but just could not get the motivation until today. In the last 2 weeks with everything going on I gained 10 lbs and have not done an ounce of exersize. SO to start today i am logging everything and meal planned for the week and went for a walk - trying to set a week goal -- day by day we can do this. I would be happy to be anyones friend to help motivate each other .. a journey is easier shared. Good luck to you we can do this!