What time of day do you run out of calories?

fatgal333 Posts: 9 Member
Curious, what time of day do you run out of calories? Do you stop eating when you have reached your target calories?


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    If you are counting calories you should be able to divide them amongst your meals.

    If I reached my calories by lunch it wouldn't cause me to skip dinner. I'd just work on doing better the next day.
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    I don’t really “run out” because I roughly pre-plan my day.

    Generally I know I have 2100 calories. On most weekday, my planned breakfasts are around 250 calories and I size my prepped lunches To be approximately 500 calories. I also know I always leave about 250 calories for an afternoon snack and 400 calories for a dessert (these are my USUAL amounts. They can vary a bit, but it’s generally close).

    This means my only unplanned meal (dinner) should be around 700 calories. That helps me when I get to dinner time; I create a recipe and build my plate in order to reach approximately 700 calories.

    On weekends it’s more flexible, but I still Pre-plan whatever meals I KNOW I’m having, and eat other meals and snacks in amounts that fit my remaining calories.

    Pre-planning is the key to success!
  • fatgal333
    fatgal333 Posts: 9 Member
    That’s a great idea. I am more spontaneous and just eat when I am hungry, but I like the idea of allocating calories to meals.
  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    I don't run out. I only eat one big meal/day, usually mid-morning... I eat 'til I'm completely full. But, sometimes I'll have something healthy & snacky, if necessary, early evening... like fruit or a small salad-ish plate.

    1/2 of the week, I have 300+ left over... 1/2 the week, I'm right on target. I use MFP as a guideline... if I were hungry, I'd eat.
  • fatgal333
    fatgal333 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! What do you eat in the big meal?
  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    edited April 2020
    fatgal333 wrote: »
    Wow! What do you eat in the big meal?

    Whatever I want, I just eat 'til full & only have a snack later, if hungry... prevents over-eating. My daily allowance is 1,200-cal. I'm mainly doing this so I don't binge eat while being at home 24/7... it's too easy to bake, cook & eat. Also, don't want to go out to the store unless necessary... eating once makes food/money stretch that much longer.

    Yesterday, it was an omelette at 9am... 2 eggs, 2 large potatoes, large onion, 2 sausage patties, couple oz cheese. Later at night, I had 1/2-head iceberg lettuce with balsamic vinegar & 1/2 apple. That was slightly under 1,200-cal.

    Today at 11am, 4-oz of roast beef, 1 potato, 1/2-C brown rice, a few fresh green beans made in the pressure cooker. I even had an IPA & 1-C peaches around 6pm & am 400-cal under & still didn't add in exercise, so it should be 550-600 under. I may or may not have another IPA, since it's Friday night.

    Tomorrow before noon... 2 large organic sausages (store made, turkey or beef, I forget) with 1C sauerkraut on a large piece of toasted French bread with mustard. Looks like that will leave me with 560-cal left over, so I might add 2 fried eggs to the sandwich for another 200-cal, if I'm hungry enough to eat it. If not... that's fine... I could have some m/w popcorn later & that's 450-cal.

    It's not hard to do... I just decided to test my self control. So far, so good.

    Hope this helps.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Maybe by the end of the week? Lately never, I can't seem to catch up to my maintenance goal.
  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    edited April 2020
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Maybe by the end of the week? Lately never, I can't seem to catch up to my maintenance goal.

    @sardelsa My goodness you are in phenomenal shape!!! Well done!
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    fatgal333 wrote: »
    Curious, what time of day do you run out of calories?

    Probably about fifteen to twenty minutes after waking up in the morning.....
  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    fatgal333 wrote: »
    Curious, what time of day do you run out of calories?

    Probably about fifteen to twenty minutes after waking up in the morning.....

  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Maybe by the end of the week? Lately never, I can't seem to catch up to my maintenance goal.

    @sardelsa My goodness you are in phenomenal shape!!! Well done!

    Thanks, that was pre-baby #3 :p now I'm 7 months post-partum and I'm just in ok shape ;)
  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Maybe by the end of the week? Lately never, I can't seem to catch up to my maintenance goal.

    @sardelsa My goodness you are in phenomenal shape!!! Well done!

    Thanks, that was pre-baby #3 :p now I'm 7 months post-partum and I'm just in ok shape ;)

    @sardelsa Firstly, congratulations! Baby so much more important than a 24" waist! You're so lucky!

    I'm sure it will take a bit more time, but you look to be very dedicated & I'm sure you'll snap back into shape in no time. We have a similar body type, except you're more fit & strong in your pics... I'm long & lean, but want to build up strength... don't want the thick look, although, I'm not built that way anyway... just wanna be strong & flexible & supple.

    Thanks for your reply & I hope you & baby are well. I find you inspirational!