Moms! Let’s be fitness friends



  • Polydactylkat
    Polydactylkat Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me, anyone! My first is just 6 months. I was in pretty good shape when I found out I was pregnant - I had been working out about 4-5 days a week. That stopped pretty much as soon as I got pregnant (super tired, sick, etc). Just recently I’ve been getting more active but it is definitely different when a little one is calling most of the shots! But I want to be healthy for her, and for myself. 💪😁 We can do this mommas!
  • CCLmama
    CCLmama Posts: 5 Member
    So glad you are ok!!!
    poshpiggy wrote: »
    Loving this thread! My baby girl turns one in June 😭😭😭 just wanted to encourage us all with my story;

    I was obese going into pregnancy and did really well only gained 4kg during pregnancy which I managed to lose quite effortlessly by 6 weeks postnatal- but then the reality of no sleep kicked in and surviving on sugar slowly but surely my weight crept up and up until I was nearly the heaviest I have been in Feb 2020!

    I was hospitalised with Covid19 on Mother’s Day in March and separated from my daughter for 4 horrible days where I thought I wouldn’t make it out alive. Hearing them talk about me being “high risk” because of my weight It gave me the courage when I was discharged to really take back control of my life. I decided to fully commit to calorie counting on mfp (was on WW on and off for years pre pregnancy) and since being in a deficit I’ve lost 8kg in 3 months!

    In terms of exercise I used to love powerlifting but as the gyms are closed I’m doing barre 3 workouts at home & go for walks with baby in the buggy about 3-4times week. I’d like to increase my exercise more when she starts nursery in June and maybe join a spinning studio!

    My goal is to keep going and hopefully lose some more kg!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend so we can continue to support eachother

  • Gleefulporcupine
    Gleefulporcupine Posts: 4 Member
    I hear you! It can be tough but totally doable!!
  • iffyllama
    iffyllama Posts: 2 Member
    How do you find time? We wake up at 6am and it's go-go-go from then until bedtime!
  • CCLmama
    CCLmama Posts: 5 Member
    It is very hard! I often have to take breaks while working out to tend to my kids. They are currently 6 months(in 4 days) and 3.5 years old. Most of the time my infant is content if i put on “super simple songs” on YouTube and give him a few toys or put him in his saucer. My 3.5 year old is pretty good at keeping herself occupied also but will stop me to ask for a snack or a drink or something along those lines. But I try to make time for at least 30 mins of exercise during the week, even if the 30 mins is broken up into 10 min intervals. What’s hardest for me is the meals. My infant usually needs SOMETHING halfway through cooking and my toddler is very picky so I make her a separate meal that I know she will eat. I find myself skipping meals a lot and I need to work on that.
    iffyllama wrote: »
    How do you find time? We wake up at 6am and it's go-go-go from then until bedtime!

  • KellieSN
    KellieSN Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! I'm kellie, and mam to Sadie who will be 1 at the end of the month.. Its about time I got myself together and start look after myself a bit better. Feel free to add me guys!
  • xoDNC
    xoDNC Posts: 6 Member
    My daughter just turned one! She will be 13 months on the 3rd. I'm starting once again at this weight loss lifestyle. I know what to eat... I just dread working! I am aiming to go on walks daily (weather permitted) with my girl just to get a few extra steps in! I am the heaviest I have ever been - pregnancy included. When I was nursing I dropped 30 lbs and felt like I was starting very well... then well, life happened. I lost my grandmother and just completely got lazy only eating whatever I wanted did not care how many calories I had a day. Two weeks ago I slowly cutting down on food. Now I am trying to do intermittent fastimg while still eating majorly of my calories. I want new friends on MFP in order to keep ourselves accountable and also learn tips and gain motivation! I will add you guys! Feel free to also add me! With all this weight to lose, I am in this for the long haul!! ❤❤❤
  • zoiatahir
    zoiatahir Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Hope it’s not too late to join the party :). I’m 5 months post partum with my first baby and ready to lose this weight. My goal is to lose 35 pounds. With everything that’s happening in the world, losing the weight might make life seem a bit happier :)
  • Binkers06
    Binkers06 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My youngest is 4 years old and I have a 14 and 11 year old. I wish I could blame my weight on just having them but I guess I will blame it on a life of ice cream and candy. Lol I really don’t eat a terrible diet but being a nurse and 12 hour shifts sometimes I don’t get to eat at all, or not until late. Sometimes just running the older ones to sports we all don’t eat until late. I’m sure I eat more than I burn, but once the weight is there I can’t get it back off.. I need friends on here to help keep me accountable. 😃
  • Aurorynthia
    Aurorynthia Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I have a 2 year old I recently stopped breastfeeding and I'm looking to dedicate more time to working out. I am 26 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy goal. I gained over 40 pounds by the time my daughter was born, lost 23 of those a few days later. Then gained some back during the course of two years. I used to walk a lot after giving birth but then one thing led to another and I let myself go. I am looking to get back in shape so I can keep up with my toddler and TTC one last time. I started cycling again and am looking to take walks with my toddler. Hopefully by meeting people on this forum I can keep myself on track and acheive my fitness goals. Let's be friends!
  • BigMamaLynsey
    BigMamaLynsey Posts: 390 Member
    Hi ya, I'm a mum of 4. Had my youngest 7 months ago and still breastfeeding with him, has helped with weight loss after I had him alot. Also kept me maintaining even when I started to eat too much bad junk food. Now my weight had been creeping up so I've started dieting as I have a tonne to lose. 6lbs down now in 2 weeks so I'm feeling great 😄
  • Nanerrrr
    Nanerrrr Posts: 4 Member
    Congrats on your little one :) Looking for mommy friends also. So hard to get into shape when your hands are full. You can do it mama!
  • FoolishJoy
    FoolishJoy Posts: 139 Member
    I'd love to be friends! I'm a full-time single mom to 21 month old little princess! We still breastfeed once a day, just before bed.
  • strongmom1128
    strongmom1128 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to be friends! I am a mom of 2. I have been trying to lose weight after my second child. It has been almost two years. I have been struggling but I am very committed now and I have tracked for a week straight and been consistent with my workouts. Fingers crossed for weight loss.