New to fitness

I’ve struggled a lot with body dsymorphia and eating. Here’s my current body. I’ve been doing chloe ting workouts and eating in moderation. I’m not seeing results and I just wanna give up. Maybe I’m not meant to be skinny? Why is it so hard for me. I don’t have any hormonal issues. I think I just messed up my metabolism. Anyone have advice for getting rid of love handles and tummy fat? Just wanna feel confident in my skin. thmhksmu4gt1.jpeg


  • Unicorn_Bacon
    Unicorn_Bacon Posts: 491 Member
    Would you be willing to open up your food diary to public?

    Often times there is reasons we can easily fix that stall loss...

    What are your stats?
    Do you use a food scale to weigh your food?
  • Nataliaann26
    Nataliaann26 Posts: 7 Member
    This may sound crazy but I had to stop the food diary because I was getting too obsessive and it was unhealthy. I really just try to keep a mental tally and eat healthy and in moderation. I also have a lot of bloating. The pic is me at night. I’ve been gassy and just sluggish. I don’t have a food scale unfortunately. I am 20, 5’7 and 140. I know my weight isn’t high for my height. I just have like no muscles mass sadly
  • Unicorn_Bacon
    Unicorn_Bacon Posts: 491 Member

    That's a catch 22 I guess... because in order to have fat loss, one must eat less then they burn, there is no other tricks or special workouts.

    So. If you cant do the logging, then your only other method of creating a deficit that will cause loss is more exercise.

    Weight loss at your weight though it going to be slooooow. Which is why knowing how many calories your consuming is somewhat beneficial. There is such a small margin between losing and maintaining, that without all the info, it's hard to know just how much more exercise youd need to add to create a deficit for a loss that's appropriate for you without starving your body.
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    The hardest part is you can't spot reduce. I'm also 5'7 and my goal weight is 140, and even when I've weighed under that I still had a tummy.