new and nervous

Hi, Im 29 and trying to lose weight and get healthy. Ive never reached out like this before but I am willing to try anything to meet my goals. Any tips? Any advise is welcome :)


  • Hey Sara.
    My tips would be to get in as much exercise as you can and try to stick to your calorie limit. :) Losing weight can be really fun if you listen to music whilst working out and even do it with a friend.
    If you need any motivation, you are welcome to add me. :D I'm also trying (and partially failing) to lose weight. :flowerforyou:
  • cryptogirl
    cryptogirl Posts: 35 Member
    My advice is to record everything you eat as soon as you eat it so that you know what you have left for the day. I would live to help keep you on track. Feel free to add me
  • pangelicus
    pangelicus Posts: 43 Member
    Take it one day at a time and set small goals. Mentally it's easier not to focus on the longterm goal.

    I've read and experienced that diet is 80 percent and exercise is 20. So do your best to stick to your calorie goal! And get a walk in here and there for extra cal burn.

    Also, add some friends on here. It's fun to have people to chat with to celebrate the small and big accomplishments! Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • DonnaMich75
    DonnaMich75 Posts: 1 Member
    im on my 4th week now, I have to be honest I am surprised at how I have kept to this, I feel more in control, I always write in my foods as soon as I have eaten so I know what I have left, Im a chocoholic and will never give up chocolate, but I found my attitude has changed as I am careful what I shove down my throat and counting my calories has educated me to make better choices. I even throw in exercise too to burn some calories. My fitness pal has really helped me, 8lbs lost in just under 4 weeks, Im actually enjoying doing this. All the best keep going.
  • Stay positive.
    Shoot for progress not perfection.
    Weigh ALL of your food and enter it accurately.
    Don't reward yourself with food, you aren't a dog.
    Focus on athletic goals and meal goals rather than just weight as it fluctuates and can be discouraging.
    Maybe look at Body TrackIt app. It is great!
    Collect friends that are active on MFP and positive.
    When you have a day day or think your going to have a weak moment, message them, make a post and allow them to help ;)
    Most importantly ... HAVE FUN! This is a journey. Enjoy!

    Thinking you can do this or you can't... You are right SO DO IT! You can do this. Set your goals, focus and go make them happen. Ya! :)
  • ShannonMK9
    ShannonMK9 Posts: 65 Member
    Set up a schedule for exercise, don't just leave it for whenever - I have to do it first thing in the morning or I find reasons not to do it.
    Pre-prep meals to take to work with you if you work outside of the home.
    Have a support network to motivate you from day to day
    Do not stress the scale - take a starting weight and measurements as well as a picture - set up the schedule for when you will re-measure (like once a week, every other week, once a month) to track improvements. We stay motivated by seeing improvements but they can come in fits and starts - like almost nothing for a couple weeks and then bang a big jump and then nothing for a bit - or can be a steady slow progress - everyone is different.
    Find something you enjoy and can stick to for exercise as this is the one sure way to make sure that you continue doing it.
    Do not drop below 1200 as this is minimum for good nutrition and even then may want to think about a good supplement to bolster - good clue to see if getting enough food - not hungry (but not over full) and have energy to get threw the day - if you are starving or your energy levels are low - eat more to support your exercise program.
    Good luck and if you have any questions at all email me :)
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    im on my 4th week now, I have to be honest I am surprised at how I have kept to this, I feel more in control, I always write in my foods as soon as I have eaten so I know what I have left, Im a chocoholic and will never give up chocolate, but I found my attitude has changed as I am careful what I shove down my throat and counting my calories has educated me to make better choices. I even throw in exercise too to burn some calories. My fitness pal has really helped me, 8lbs lost in just under 4 weeks, Im actually enjoying doing this. All the best keep going.

    agree on everything.
    you have to write everything you eat. it makes you pay attention and realize what you are eating. sometimes we do underestimate what we are eating.
    And yes,i do exercise often so i can actually eat more!!!
    And me too, I LOVE chocolate and i do make it part of my food diary. but the funniest thing is more weeks i am here,less cravings i have. Maybe because i know that is want it,then i can have it and i don't see it as "DEVIL FOOD"
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    agree on everything.
    you have to write everything you eat. it makes you pay attention and realize what you are eating. sometimes we do underestimate what we are eating.
    And yes,i do exercise often so i can actually eat more!!!
    And me too, I LOVE chocolate and i do make it part of my food diary. but the funniest thing is more weeks i am here,less cravings i have. Maybe because i know that is want it,then i can have it and i don't see it as "DEVIL FOOD"

    oh i forget : add me as friend if you want.
  • slimmergalpal
    slimmergalpal Posts: 235 Member
    Welcome ! Just take it one day at a time, and try to do a little better each day. And, like others have said- if it goes in your mouth, chart it. Feel free to add me if you wish. I have been on here for about a year and a half now and it is so much easier when you have a good support team cheering you on =)
  • EileeKay
    EileeKay Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm into my second week and am very excited about this journey! I'm finding the support of everyone is amazing; after all we're all in this together no matter how far we have to go. Believe me those little comments made by my new MFP friends really and truly make a difference to me and keep me focused. I have sent a friend request to you and say welcome to this awesome site!
  • My advice is to stick to tracking no matter how much you hate it. Also, working out can be very hard, so finding a a class like bootcamp or yoga can help motivate you! Be free to add me!!
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Good luck on your journey!! This is a life long journey don't set a time limit on it. Take it day by day !! Pounds will come off through hard work, dedication and right choices. Don't be hard on yourself if you slip up either, its all part. You only fail when you stop trying!!!!! You need to make changes that will last a life time. You don't want to change everything just to lose weight and then once you hit that goal number you go back to your old ways. So make sure you treat yourself once in a while. Another thing is DON"T let the scale define you. Its' just a number. Judge progress, but fitting into those special pants, or shirts changing sizes .. stuff like that .. its not always about a lower number. Make right food choices as well. Make sure you get in your healthy fats, protein and carbs. They all work together to make a happy body. WATER WATER WATER!!! The key .. make sure you drink up!!! It's suggested that you drink half your body weight in ounces.

    And if at some point this journey becomes a little bit over whelming .. take a step back, take a deep breathe and hit it hard the next day. Its a journey so worth starting .. but remember the weight didn't pack on over night, so don't expect it to fall off over night!!

    Good luck :)