Looking for support to lose weight

I'll be 58 in June and I'm a female whose weight is just out of control. I've never been this heavy and I just can't seem to get it together. I have never tried a support group, so I'm a little squeamish about it, but nothing seems to be working on my own. Are there any other late 50's women in my boat who would like to chat now and then?


  • Unicorn_Bacon
    Unicorn_Bacon Posts: 491 Member
    I posted this on another thread but I will post it here.

    People fighting the battle are a good way to not feel alone but our battle is still our own.

    Here is some tips

    Eat less calories then you burn.

    Dont eat under 1200 calories

    Always eat back the calories you burn when you workout.

    Eat a variety of foods that make it easiest for you to stay within goal and can keep going with long term.

    If your goal is currently hard to stick to, then reevaluate it. If you're losing 2lbs per week, try 1lbs per week. Faster isnt better.

    There is no magic foods, tricks, or pills to speed it up. Take your time. Be patient.

    Weight loss isnt linear. You will have scale fluctuations up and down. You will never lose the exact same amount every week.

    High sodium and excess carbs can cause water retention, most people drop water weight when they first start. If they eat out during weight loss or eat higher calories for a day, they will see a jump on the scale. It's not real. Its water.

    New workout routines can cause the scale to rise. This is because the muscles are retaining water for repair. This too is temporary.

    Junk food and carbs are not the devil.
    If you've found that you've eaten a variety of foods and have met your fat and protein goals for the day, you can add treats into your goal.
  • angiempierce9
    angiempierce9 Posts: 6 Member
    Jasmine8007...I reached my heaviest back in November at 310lbs. I have struggled most of my life with my weight. Back in 2008-2009, I lost down to 185 lb but fell in love, got married and gained it all back plus some. As of today April 21st 2020 I've lost 47 pounds. I'm not able to exercise much because of a hip and back issue but keep trying. I have found it helpful to do smaller goals instead of the big picture goal. I reached my first goal a couple of month back now I am three pounds away from reaching goal number 2 of 250lbs. Hang in there! You can do this. Maybe we can connect as friends and help encourage each other. Thanks for the tips KrissCanDoThis.
  • Jasmine8007
    Jasmine8007 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you KrissCanDoThis, very insightful information. You are absolutely correct in that when I eat out I see a scale jump and I get soooo discouraged! I love to eat out at least once a week and feel deprived if I do and choose only salad. Glad to hear it's temporary. :)
  • Jasmine8007
    Jasmine8007 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement angiempierce9! Weight control has been a challenge most of my life as well. Of course, I did go through the "divorce diet" where I lost the most and looked the best, but alas, that was just a temporary fix. I too fell in love and gained almost all of it back. One of my best enjoyments is cooking and baking. I love to create food and desserts. The holidays aren't the holidays if I'm not baking something yummy. I've learned to make pretty gifts out of them. :) I'd love to continue our chats; Lord knows I could use a comrade in arms!
  • Unicorn_Bacon
    Unicorn_Bacon Posts: 491 Member
    Thank you KrissCanDoThis, very insightful information. You are absolutely correct in that when I eat out I see a scale jump and I get soooo discouraged! I love to eat out at least once a week and feel deprived if I do and choose only salad. Glad to hear it's temporary. :)

    Weight loss is weekly not daily, and the amount of success is based on continuing in a deficit each week.

    Eating out once a week, if done with care and planning can be doable. But dont feel like you need to live on salad either.

    Some people might workout a little extra through the week and bank those calories for a treat on the weekend.

    Dont go crazy with it, a walk in the evening even just 50 calories worth is 300 extra calories. Pair those calories with some calories you would use normally for dinner and get something you like. Most chain restaurants have their calories listed online. Go window shopping.

    This way you still keep your deficit and enjoy a treat, and then just acknowledge the water weight from higher sodium and give it a day or two.