Eating So/So Foods, But Watching Portions?

Okay, so due to financial stuff I can't afford to buy the healthiest food. I've decided to shop what I have to, but to just watch my portions and stay within my calorie range. I am worried that my weight loss will stall or that I'll gain weight. Has anyone else ever ate like this and still lost? For example, today I had a bagel for breakfast, hamburger helper for lunch, and then I made spaghetti for dinner. Not the best foods, but I ate ONE portion of everything, stayed within my goal for calories, and fat and other nutrition spots here on MFP. What do ya'll think?


  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    If you're eating a deficit you will lose weight. High amounts of sodium/carbs may cause bloating (for some people), but generally speaking, it shouldn't matter too much. If you're keeping in your goals and macro's then you're right on track!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I think you need some veggies and an apple.
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Calories deficit --> lose weight, regardless of where the calories come from. But to be truly healthy - not just at the right weight - that's where healthy ingredients are important. Basically, if you can get your calories (right amount to lose weight or maintain) from the healthiest food, all the better.

    I remember reading that you should not spend an arm and a leg on healthy good. E.g. seasonal produce and frozen veg is as good as any.