Swollen tail bone?

Anyone have this after working out. The last two days I have been feeling like I'm laying on something in my tail bone area when in bed or reclined on the couch. I felt the area it feels like all the boney area is protruding. I only noticed this since I have been working out hard core. It doesn't hurt.


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    What kinds of workouts are you doing? And how long?
  • FitnessFreak1821
    FitnessFreak1821 Posts: 242 Member
    What kinds of workouts are you doing? And how long?

    Hiit full body work outs. Usually includes burpees and crunches, lots of cardio. I usually do 45-50 mins
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    What kinds of workouts are you doing? And how long?

    Hiit full body work outs. Usually includes burpees and crunches, lots of cardio. I usually do 45-50 mins

    I meant for how many days/weeks have you been doing the workouts.
  • FitnessFreak1821
    FitnessFreak1821 Posts: 242 Member
    What kinds of workouts are you doing? And how long?

    Hiit full body work outs. Usually includes burpees and crunches, lots of cardio. I usually do 45-50 mins

    I meant for how many days/weeks have you been doing the workouts.

    Oh ok well for just over a year consistently.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Lost enough fat in that area that it's more prominent?

    Seriously, I'm so much more bony now than I used to be, and finding bones I knew I had but had forgotten about haha
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Sounds like a buldging lumbar disc.

    Not likely that far down. Also, you can't feel a bulging disc externally because you have spinous process' in the way, oh and your spinal canal.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited April 2020
    Sounds like a buldging lumbar disc.

    You realize millions of people have bulging discs and have absolutely no idea right?

    OP not knowing your training history I would be absolutely guessing from the info you gave.

    Really though there isn't much to go off of. More info is needed and over the internet would be make this difficult.

    If this is something rather new, then I would go back a few weeks before the symtom and dissect anything novel to your training. Something like, gyms closed down so now I do crunches on the carpeting at home instead of yoga mat or introducing a new movement, or sudden weight loss, etc.

    Honestly I wouldn't be concerned unless you had trama or experience pain that gets progressively worse.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    With my buldging lumbar discs, there was a swollen and protruding sensation sometimes (muscles) around the tailbone region, but not a bony hard protrusion when I felt the area, and there was extreme amounts of pain that went along with it.

    Considering the bony protrusion is so close to the spine, she should see a doctor for an examination of the area. Worst case scenario it's a tail growing from there like a vestigial tail.. sometimes when doing high intensity training beastmode becomes a literal reality I guess.

    No idea what caused the swelling and protrusion, but there is absolutely no way its the disk bulging. First, there are no discs in your sacrum or coccyx area to bulge, second, even if the discs were bulging there is no way you can feel them. They are deep inside your back and there are a lot of other bony and muscular parts in the way.

    Second, Pain in the tailbone can be a symptom of a herniated disc, but the OP specifically stated it didn't hurt.

    Finally what does that last paragraph even mean? A tail growing there? You aren't suddenly going to grow a vestigial tail because you are doing HIIT.

    Seriously, please don't give out medical advice on the Internet because you are just plain wrong

    OP if you are worried, go see a dr, but my money is due to muscle development/weight loss you are just noticing bones you hadn't noticed before. If its not hurting, I wouldn't worry.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I don't know why you're arguing with a point I didn't even make in that message. I don't think it's a disc buldge in my second message, I have no idea what it is. Besides, the lumbar is so low on the back that people might refer to it as the tailbone region colloquially, and muscle inflammation might cause a protruding sensation which it did with me.

    I said she should see a doctor, you said she shouldn't, then ironically say I shouldn't give medical advice. Giving medical advice is urging someone to seek it? Mmk

    The tail thing was obviously a joke. How you didn't get that is beyond me, but anything is possible.

    Actually I said if she was worried she should see a dr.

    Your first post on this thread was to simply state:
    Sounds like a buldging lumbar disc.

    Which is categorically unlikely based on what she described, and incredibly unhelpful as it could just cause her fear. Also you never said to see a dr in that post.

    Then in reply to my comment you said:
    With my buldging lumbar discs, there was a swollen and protruding sensation sometimes (muscles) around the tailbone region, but not a bony hard protrusion when I felt the area, and there was extreme amounts of pain that went along with it.

    Considering the bony protrusion is so close to the spine, she should see a doctor for an examination of the area. Worst case scenario it's a tail growing from there like a vestigial tail.. sometimes when doing high intensity training beastmode becomes a literal reality I guess.

    Your situation is not at all what she described in any way. Yours is a swollen sensation with "extreme pain", Hers is a pony prominence without any pain. And it is normal to have bony protrusions near the spine. Every vertebae has 3 on them, one of which is palpable under the skin and totally normal. The sacrum and coccyx themselves are very bony and also palpable under the skin.

    Again if op is worried, she should see a dr.

    And your final sentence, ok now I can see where you were trying to be funny. But it wasn't. It came across as uninformed and like you can actually grow a tail. But I guess that's the internet, tone can be completely missed.

    Have a nice day!
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    With bulging discs there is no visible protrusion. The most common cause of swelling in the tailbone area is a pilonidal cyst but there is no way to know without examining you. Definitely see a doctor if this persists.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,473 Member
    My son had an issue with a pilonidal cyst. The following might be worth a read. Good luck.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited April 2020
    I really don't even think a doctor could ethically recommend someone not see a doctor over the internet without even a proper examination of the alleged problem.

    My second comment contested the first comment I made because the first comment was a cursory glance of the thread. It didn't match with a disc buldge in my experience because of the bony protrusion and lack of pain, unless the protrusion is some type of inflammation and the pain may be absent from it. So I was confused by your post still arguing with the first comment.

    We don't exactly have any good evidence from OP to say exactly what it is or isn't, only extrapolate based on a few murky details. Without a proper physical examination by a medical doctor, it's really only uninformed guessing on our parts. Besides, even one medical doctor isn't flawless, you may need a specialist or second or third opinion.

    It should be common sense to not take an internet stranger's diagnosis based on nearly nothing seriously. The stranger may surmise and lead you to some clues or possibilities to explore, but it's not a professional diagnosis. Having a buldging disc isn't exactly like having terminal cancer or the coronavirus, most people have one and don't even know it, her being fearful due to my comment is unjustified.

    You didn't get my joke, you took it literally. I would imagine it wouldn't be funny if you actually took it literally. I guess I just have to start writing (j/k) afterward to avoid these confusions.

    I recommend OP see a doctor. That would be funny though if she is misinterpreting her own normal tailbone as abnormal due to being so lean and ripped. That's like Helmut Strebl problems. Metal and wood chairs I found rub your tailbone and lumbar region in very terrible ways though when lean, but normally not in your everyday chairs and in your bed.

    So the lesson today is actually read the OP properly before posting incorrect medical information initially, and causing a fascinating discussion with another random stranger of a weightloss forum.

    Also I don't know wha you are complaining about the replies you were getting, you were the one to make a one sentence comment thats it sounded like a protruding disc, and never clearly retracted that comment. It actually sounded like you double downed your theory with your second comment.

    So I gather you no longer think it could be a herniated disc?
  • FitnessFreak1821
    FitnessFreak1821 Posts: 242 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Lost enough fat in that area that it's more prominent?

    Seriously, I'm so much more bony now than I used to be, and finding bones I knew I had but had forgotten about haha

    Thought of that too. It doesn't seem to be to bad now like it was.
  • FitnessFreak1821
    FitnessFreak1821 Posts: 242 Member
    Thanks everyone for your inputs. Much appreciated. Seems to not be as bad I'm thinking it is just my tail bone and maybe it was inflamed abit. If it continued to feel the same I would of saw my doctor. I was just curious if anyone had similar ever before.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,421 Member
    Are you sitting on a padded mat when you do your crunches? If you’re rolling around on that area it could well get a bit sore, particularly if you’re not carrying much fat around there!
  • FitnessFreak1821
    FitnessFreak1821 Posts: 242 Member
    edited April 2020
    Are you sitting on a padded mat when you do your crunches? If you’re rolling around on that area it could well get a bit sore, particularly if you’re not carrying much fat around there!

    Yes I have a pretty thick mat that i use