New here need motivation and help

So I decided I want to loose at least 35 to 40 pounds. I am dedicated to start working out and eating healthy. I want to start insanity but once I do I give up after a week I need help and motivation. Please add me as a friend I will be ever grateful. Thank you



  • ShannonMK9
    ShannonMK9 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi, friend invite sent - if you can only get threw a week of Insanity it may not be the program for you - what do you enjoy doing for exercise and fun?
  • Hi Kinzii, I'm a newbie here so I hope you don't mind that. I'd love to lose some weight and gain some confidence so maybe we can do this together. I also started with the goal of losing 40 pounds and I'm now half-way, with 20 pounds lost. Maybe we can start Insanity together (I never get motivated enough to get through the first week) :flowerforyou:
  • Hi that's for the reply Hun and I've done 2 weeks before and just ended up loosing motivation it did make me so much more active and I did see a change. I love swimming I'm hopping to start that soon too. :)
  • Hi. I say lets do this I need someone who is willing to get me up and get me started I want to start from Wednesday so I will tell you after I have completed the fitness test how I did xx
  • cemckay
    cemckay Posts: 9

    I'm also doing INSANITY and now on Day 4 - I was going to the gym regularly and doing Body Combat and high impact Aerobics and I struggle with this programme - but I'm determined to stick with it and when I feel myself getting a bit de-motivated I check out the results videos online for inspiration. I also found it helpful to write a daily blog for myself once I've done the exercises

    If you really find it hard why not try a couple of easier options for a while - like Body Combat? I'm also happy to try and keepyou motivated if you promise to do the same for me :)
  • Hi all, I've been using the site for 2 weeks and it's really helped with my accountability and motivation. The more people I can share this with the better. Please add me!
  • Francis_beland
    Francis_beland Posts: 11 Member
    Keep doing what is fun for you. I started last week watching my calories with MFP while doing treadmill and Tennis. I'll start Hockey soon so it will be another activity to spend calories. Important to stay motivated is to have fun. You mentioned swimming? Go swim regularly as it's the best exercise you can do. Fun first!! Motivation will not be a problem after. Fell free to add me.
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    Hey! I'm Tamara - Welcome aboard :)
    Can't wait to see your progress - I'm excited to see your progress :)
  • Emagique
    Emagique Posts: 17
    Hi, welcome here. I've been here only 2 weeks but it helps :)
    Add me if you want :) And you can follow me on tumblr too, it helps for motivation (
  • xeno8604
    xeno8604 Posts: 193 Member
    Hey there, name is Jesus, I am always willing to give some positive motivation, feel free to add me!!
  • Gettinfit242
    Gettinfit242 Posts: 200 Member
    Hi All! Im new to MFP, second day. I was doing P90x for 8 weeks and MAN did I start seeing results.. but i will say it wasnt easy staying motivated at first. it seemed like no weight was coming off and that i was just at a standstill...and YES this also went with eating healthy, no junk, smaller portions, all of that... well once i hit week 6 the weight seemed to drop off like CRAZY! i was doing GREAT. then we moved to a new city, and with the whole moving process, well i just didnt have the time or energy, BUT im now settled in and ready go get back on track! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE !!! i know how challenging it can be to stick to it. Oh and on top of dieting and working out, ive thrown in "quitting smoking" too.. day 4! :) we can do this!!!
  • mashell0773
    mashell0773 Posts: 1 Member

    I'm new to the message boards as well!! I work in a gym, with people of various ages and fitness levels! Seeing the posts here make me excited to see how people are ready to make changes and just need a little guidance. Not only do I provide support in a gym I also have 4 children and work a full time job...time is an issue and that is what also makes it absolutely necessary to be able to have accountability and the extra push on those days when there just isn't enough of you to around!!

    So with that said....welcome to your new journey!! I'd like to introduce you to a program developed by Chris & Heidi Powell-Extreme Makeover celebrities, they endorse a product line called Bod-e by Vemma. The Bod-e line is a 12 week program, includes Bod-e shake, Bod-e Burn, meal & exercise plan. This plan is made with the newbie in mind....if you are serious about making healthy changes and having accountability then this is a plan for you!!! Check us out at, click on products and select Bod-e. Everything you need to know can be found on this website!! Feel free to contact me with questions!!

    Good luck with whatever path you choose to've got this!!
  • thank you to everyone here who is motivating me and giving advice I'm so grateful =D
  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    Always looking for more friends! Anyone feel free to add me