Apple Cider Vinegar!

So I just bought some ACV and I would like to know how to take it! This morning i drank it straight (2 tsp) and drank water after. Not the best choice, lol. Also, if I mixed it in my meals, would I still get the same benefits? Thanks!


  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    you can make salad dressing with it

    I take it in a shot glass mixed with water and lemon juice. then more fresh water. i dont do it everyday!

    ETA: my main use for it is hair. I rinse my hair in it once in a while, makes it so clean and shiny!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I fill a glass about 3/4 of the way up with water and ice and then put in 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. of honey or agave nectar
  • T0FatToB3S1ck
    T0FatToB3S1ck Posts: 192 Member
    I take it in the form of a pill.
  • Carol_L
    Carol_L Posts: 296 Member
    And what, exactly, is ingesting acetic acid supposed to do for you? Further, why would said acetic acid be more or less beneficial as a consequence of its source?

    There are no magic bullets folks.
  • gettingmy_lifeback
    gettingmy_lifeback Posts: 30 Member
    Look it up. MANY benefits.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's great in crock pot pork and as a base for BBQ sauces.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    You can use it for anything you would use any other vinegar for. Put that shizz on your French fries!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    So I just bought some ACV and I would like to know how to take it! This morning i drank it straight (2 tsp) and drank water after. Not the best choice, lol. Also, if I mixed it in my meals, would I still get the same benefits? Thanks!

    What benefits are you seeking in apple cidar vinegar? I hope it has nothing to do with weight loss and fueling your ED.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    No, it's not an ED/weight loss thing. As far as I know, people use it to improve digestion (when they have issues with that, but I think too much would have the opposite effect).
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    And what, exactly, is ingesting acetic acid supposed to do for you? Further, why would said acetic acid be more or less beneficial as a consequence of its source?

    There are no magic bullets folks.

    People us it when they have low stomach acid, as far as I know.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    No, it's not an ED/weight loss thing. As far as I know, people use it to improve digestion (when they have issues with that, but I think too much would have the opposite effect).

    I was just curious because the OP profile states she has been battling an ED for 2 years..... And there is the myth floating around that it can help with weight loss. But..... I hope I am wrong and the OP is using it for other reasons.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    No, it's not an ED/weight loss thing. As far as I know, people use it to improve digestion (when they have issues with that, but I think too much would have the opposite effect).

    I was just curious because the OP profile states she has been battling an ED for 2 years..... And there is the myth floating around that it can help with weight loss. But..... I hope I am wrong and the OP is using it for other reasons.

    Oh, I see! I hadn't ever heard of that. I'm always surprised by the things people use for weight loss.
  • nino07110922
    nino07110922 Posts: 2,149
    ACV is also good for clearing up that coughing up junk that can often develop when one start working out. Same for when you lie down at night if you have that little nagging cough. 1 oz of ACV to 7 oz of ice cold water.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Better than Windex for washing windows.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    And what, exactly, is ingesting acetic acid supposed to do for you? Further, why would said acetic acid be more or less beneficial as a consequence of its source?

    There are no magic bullets folks.

    I use Bragg's Raw Unfiltered ACV.

    "Rich in potassium, a mineral that is often times lacking in adult diets. This mineral is key for growth, building muscles, transmission of nerve impulses, heart activity etc. It also helps to prevent brittle teeth, hair loss and runny noses.

    Rich in acetic acid. This acid is said to slow the digestion of starch which can help to lower the rise in glucose that commonly occurs after meals.

    Rich in ash which gives ACV its alkaline property. This aids your body in maintaining proper pH levels for a healthy alkaline state. (It is particularly important if you drink a lot of coffee or wine.)

    It can help regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.

    Rich in malic acid which gives ACV its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

    May help improve bowel irregularity and helps to remove toxins from the body at a faster rate.

    It can help clear up skin conditions and blemishes.

    ACV helps with weight loss by breaking down fats so that your body can use them rather than store them.

    A few lab studies have found that ACV may be able to kill cancer cells or slow their growth."
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    And what, exactly, is ingesting acetic acid supposed to do for you? Further, why would said acetic acid be more or less beneficial as a consequence of its source?

    There are no magic bullets folks.

    I use Bragg's Raw Unfiltered ACV.

    "Rich in potassium, a mineral that is often times lacking in adult diets. This mineral is key for growth, building muscles, transmission of nerve impulses, heart activity etc. It also helps to prevent brittle teeth, hair loss and runny noses.

    Rich in acetic acid. This acid is said to slow the digestion of starch which can help to lower the rise in glucose that commonly occurs after meals.

    Rich in ash which gives ACV its alkaline property. This aids your body in maintaining proper pH levels for a healthy alkaline state. (It is particularly important if you drink a lot of coffee or wine.)

    It can help regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.

    Rich in malic acid which gives ACV its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

    May help improve bowel irregularity and helps to remove toxins from the body at a faster rate.

    It can help clear up skin conditions and blemishes.

    ACV helps with weight loss by breaking down fats so that your body can use them rather than store them.

    A few lab studies have found that ACV may be able to kill cancer cells or slow their growth."

    What are your sources for this Magic elixer claims that you have put forward?
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member

    How much Cider Vinegar do you need to consume in order to get 300mg of Potassium? 410 grams. How much baked potato would you have to eat in order to obtian the same amount of potassium? 56 grams (about one third of a baked potato )

    the Zinc present is 0.04mg, or 40 micrograms. This is 0.2% of the EU Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Zinc. How significant an amount is 0.2% of your RDA? Two thousandths of the amount you require daily. Great, now I just need to find some way of getting the other 99.8 of my RDA
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member

    How much Cider Vinegar do you need to consume in order to get 300mg of Potassium? 410 grams. How much baked potato would you have to eat in order to obtian the same amount of potassium? 56 grams (about one third of a baked potato )

    the Zinc present is 0.04mg, or 40 micrograms. This is 0.2% of the EU Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Zinc. How significant an amount is 0.2% of your RDA? Two thousandths of the amount you require daily. Great, now I just need to find some way of getting the other 99.8 of my RDA

    Then don't drink it. Not everyone eats double servings of peanut butter Pop-tarts as part of a healthy lifestyle, and not everyone drinks alkaline vinegars. To each his own.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    "Rich in ash which gives ACV its alkaline property. This aids your body in maintaining proper pH levels for a healthy alkaline state. (It is particularly important if you drink a lot of coffee or wine.)"

    I'm not even going to comment on your other claims (sources?) but the human body does a very good job of maintaining pH on its own using the respiratory and renal systems. That pH is kept very tightly between 7.35 and 7.45 which is pretty close to neutral (distilled water is 7 for comparison). What is this "healthy alkaline state of which you speak?
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    It also is good to rinse your hair with!

    As for the alkaline bit, I'm confused how an acidic drink is improving alkalinity. Why not just eat baking soda like George Noory????