New mom looking for new mom friends

Hi I'm just getting back to living a healthly lifestyle now my babys a few months old. Looking to make friends with other mamas motivated be healthy and live our best life for ourself and baby!


  • madeovermommy
    madeovermommy Posts: 2 Member
    Hello!! I too am looking for friends....hopefully we can share workouts and help each other along...
  • KellyAnne_715
    KellyAnne_715 Posts: 13 Member
    I’m a new mom! My son just turned 4 months old so I rejoined the program!
  • katj1234
    katj1234 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a new mom too! I have a three month old. Looking for some a support system as I try to lose weight and just become healthier overall!