Slippery slopes to gaining weight

Hello beautiful people,

This had been such a rough week for me. I need some inspiration. I feel like I am falling back to my old ways. It’s so easy to start but consistency has ALWAYS been my downfall. I need some help.

What is your story? How much weight have you lost? What made you want to loose weight? What helps you stay consistent?

This is a slippery slope for me and I don’t want to loose my grip. A lot of people want to see me fail because they have seen me fail before. I pray that God pulls me through but it’s important to ask for help when it’s needed.

This is where I am starting... 336lbs



  • joyanna2016
    joyanna2016 Posts: 323 Member
    One thing I would say is to be as kind to yourself as you would be to your bestie. If you have a setback-as we all will eventually have- encourage yourself instead of beat yourself up about it. Truly it's not any "setback" that makes us fail, its what we do next. When I treat myself with love, everything is brighter!
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    For me what's been helping is breaking my weight loss goal down into smaller goals. I'm focusing on losing 10-15 lbs at a time. If I have a bad day eating wise I accept it, try to learn from it, and move on. I try and be mindful of my calories, and I avoid fad diets and gimmicks.

    Keep your head up, and let the negative people in your life kick rocks. You've got this!
  • sashimimaniac
    sashimimaniac Posts: 71 Member
    it’s always difficult sticking to your guns when you have work and family to take care of. just remember that if you overeat at one meal it doesn’t mean you fail! just make sure your next meal is healthier and take it from there :)
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,111 Member
    My advice is to have realistic expectations, don't be too strict with yourself and set a realistic weekly/monthly target. Remember that life goes on, there will be social events and birthday parties etc so make allowances for them.
    And there will be bad days, don't beat yourself up about it just move on and get back on plan.
  • jonesable22
    jonesable22 Posts: 5 Member
    Being consistent is so hard. I’m working through this myself.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,489 Member
    How much weight have you lost?
    As of this morning 112 lbs.

    What made you want to loose weight?
    I thought I was going to die soon.

    What helps you stay consistent?
    A long time horizon. What happens any one meal, or day, or even one week doesn’t matter much in the long run.

    The other thing is I always try to make things as easy as possible.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    After years of yoyo dieting, gaining and losing the same 10 or 20lbs enough was enough. I said no to crash dieting in 2012 when I was 42, happened upon this app and started counting calories. It was a game changer. I chose to lose weight at a slow pace but that meant the amount I got to eat felt sustainable - I'm pretty active in general and lost 0.5lb a week eating 1700 cals/ I'm 5ft 2)

    I'm now in my 7th year of maintenance (lost 25lbs), still takes working at but I never think of myself as being 'on a diet' which was how I used to think.
  • SarahsJourney7
    SarahsJourney7 Posts: 46 Member
    Amazing feedback! Thank you guys so much for your amazing support! 💗🦋💗🦋💗