Can't find the motivation to stick to it

Hello lovely ppl, during this lock down phasey work has increased. I work full time from home pretty much sitting plus have 2 toddlers who go to nursery. With managing work and house chores, I am struggling to find motivation to stick to a diet plan and exercise routine. I have started to block out time in my diary for a 30 min workout. I am alternating between fitness blender and Barre 3. I don't know if any other free ones that are good. With food I end up eating leftovers from the kids plates rather than a proper plan. Please help me get started and stick to it


  • knightmagic
    knightmagic Posts: 100 Member
    you need to focus on ONE change at a time. do that for a few weeks to a month and then as that becomes a habit make another new change. choose a small change that will have the biggest impact first. Continue with that and eventually you'll be crushing your goals in no time.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    If your goal is losing weight then I would focus on eating habits first then when that becomes easy then try adding exercise. The 30 mins you block out for exercise could be used to prep meals for yourself instead of eating the kid’s leftovers.

    If strength or toning is your major goal then I would stick with exercise first then tackle eating.

    I read on another thread that it’s about dedication rather than motivation. We rarely will feel motivated to keep something like this up long term but when we are dedicated to something we do it with or without the feelings😉