Night shifts? When do I eat?

Does anyone have experience with night shifts. Sometimes I work days and sometimes nights and I’m trying to figure out what days do I track my food and how do I stop overeating?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    I used to work shift work.

    Just log your food between the hours of midnight and midnight the next day.

    You can change your FOOD diary meal slots to names that make that easier, like 6AM-10AM, 10AM-2PM, 2PM-6PM, etc. if you think that might help.

    Just eat when you feel like you need to eat. If you focus on getting enough protein and vegetables it will help with curbing the over eating.
  • Buttermello
    Buttermello Posts: 127 Member
    I just log on the day I wake up.

    So if I'm working overnight and wake up at say 4pm on may 1 and go to bed at 10am on may 2, I log all my food from between those hours on may 1. 🤷‍♀️
  • quietriver
    quietriver Posts: 38 Member
    Use the simple calorie counter app alongside of my fitness pal as it doesn't care about times. :) Once it hits midnight I consider it the next day.
  • janicemlove
    janicemlove Posts: 440 Member
    I changed to time blocks: 1am-7am, 8am-noon, 1-5pm, 6pm-midnight. It's helped. I'll be switching jobs soon and will have to change them up again but I'll worry about that in a couple of months.