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  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    edited August 2016
    She's a burlesque dancer in Vegas
    Verchild wrote: »
    She calls it a man purse, but when she bought it for me said it was a "Sexy satchel
    HeyaBerg wrote: »
    He writes Twilight fan fiction
    My biggest supporter. Demands Edward keeps dancing on poles in ever story. I say its weird, she says "but so sensual"

    @Verchild He keeps asking me to pole dance for him so he can describe Edwards sensual dances better. He makes me dress up like him and sprinkle my body with glitter before I start dancing.. Oh yeah, and don't forget about the Edward wig he forces me to wear.
  • Sugarmuse
    Sugarmuse Posts: 178 Member
    She's a burlesque dancer in my bedroom.. it's annoying to wake up to so early (but I secretly like it)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    She videos it and sends it to me
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    She sells the videos to a porn website and pretends it's her in them.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    She's secretly writing a book with the diagrams and taking full credit
  • Sugarmuse
    Sugarmuse Posts: 178 Member
    edited August 2016
    She told me she was making a documentary and needed some clips!
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    She's never seen a documentary in her life.
  • Sugarmuse
    Sugarmuse Posts: 178 Member
    And she told me that Planet Earth: Ice Worlds was the sequel to Happy Feet. It didn't always look so happy :(
  • amymurray12282
    amymurray12282 Posts: 154 Member
    She was more than happy with the Happy Ending she received.
  • habibstatham99
    habibstatham99 Posts: 339 Member
    Is a virgin
  • jgkoutr
    jgkoutr Posts: 8,105 Member
    He is a she
  • habibstatham99
    habibstatham99 Posts: 339 Member
    she is checking out some guys nuts in this profile pic thinking....I think that one is a bit bigger than the other...and they are hanging lopsided...

    Unbeatable :D she likes to eat leaves boiled in off milk
  • jgkoutr
    jgkoutr Posts: 8,105 Member
    She keeps croutons in her bra for extra support
  • habibstatham99
    habibstatham99 Posts: 339 Member
    Breast feeds her pet mouse
  • jgkoutr
    jgkoutr Posts: 8,105 Member
    Haha ....she let's me nibble my croutons while holding her breast....cause she knows who much I enjoy a squeeze w a crunch