
How all has or have added yoga into their workout routine ???
do you find it helpful??
why have you not??


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,843 Member
    Truthfully, I've been on again and off again with yoga, over quite a few years. I'm on again.

    With each session, my joints feel "well-oiled". Over time, with consistent practice, I get more flexible and mobile. Over time, it can help me be more mindful of how my body feels (so affect things like posture improvement and strain-avoidance). It helps my balance and coordination.

    I haven't done the very strength-focused forms (with handstands and things), so I haven't gotten material strength gains I can see (especially since I do other things that are more strength-y), but I've known people who did only those types of yoga who were impressively strong.
  • Back_4_more
    Back_4_more Posts: 92 Member
    I tried years ago but couldn't do a lot of moves due to a back issue. I did find DDP Yoga. Used to be called Yoga for regular guys. I've done 1.0 and 2.0 DVD's the last few years and helped me a lot until I tore a rotator cuff (nothing to do w/ the yoga I was being stupid). They have a streaming service or you can find the 1st workout (Energy) online to try out
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,545 Member
    Not really yoga, but basically deep, slow stretching. I'm hoping that I'll achieve what I could not do as a child: splits. So far I can rest my upper body on one leg sitting with the other leg angled inwards. Not too shabby :)
  • Tiffanylynn1024
    Tiffanylynn1024 Posts: 167 Member
    I’m thinking about starting yoga. I have low back issues and I hear it’s good for that
  • Poloinc12003
    Poloinc12003 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok thanks for the feedback everybody