Yoga Recommendations for weak knee

I'm new to yoga and I'm looking for yoga videos or simple exercises that I can do with recovering knee. Running is out and to help my knee I need to lose some weight, I'm going to start swimming but I also want to include some core and other exercises that can be beneficial to my knee in it's recovery. If anyone has some ideas that would be great!!

Thanks everyone! :)


  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    You should make swimming a big priority. You say your going to start, Go.

    For the core, do planks and leg lifts along with your crunches.
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    I googled 'yoga for knee injury recovery' and came up with some free youtube workouts that you should be able to do at home.

    That said, knee injuries can be easily aggravated, a really good idea would be to go to a local class and tell the instructor you need adaptations for your injuries. They should be able to watch you and make sure you're not accidentally making things worse because of bad form. It's really hard to tell whether you are doing some poses right to begin with.

    And swimming is a great idea, just about everyone can benefit from including some swimming workouts.
  • cdjs77
    cdjs77 Posts: 176 Member
    Are you willing to pay to go to Yoga classes? That would be the best idea. I have had serious knee injuries in both my knees and I used to go to a small yoga studio where the instructor would ask us before each lesson what we wanted to focus on or if we were having and pain or other problems. She would choose exercises for the class based on that as well as provide modified poses for those with problems (like knee injuries). Any studio with well-trained instructors and small class sizes should do. That way, as someone else already mentioned, the instructor can watch you to make sure you are doing the poses correctly and not risking further injury. Proper form is very important to avoid further injury, and while doing yoga at home you may be doing something wrong without even noticing.
    If you do want to do home yoga, have someone watch you and correct your position to make sure you are doing it right.