Not Eating Enough

Hi guys,

Having a bit of trouble, basically I’m trying to maintain weight (or drop a couple lbs but nothing drastic) and build muscle. According to this app, my goal should be 2000 calories a day and I’ve set the macros to 20, 20 and 40 (protein being the higher).

My problem is that I’m not much of an eater! I began the new diet today consisting of smoothies, eggs, salads, tuna and turkey for day 1. I’m trying not to eat after 6pm so that I can eat a breakfast (I don’t usually) but even after eating more than I do usually (healthier, but more) I’ve barely hit 1100 calories and I don’t think I could even stomach eating anything else, this added with the run and workout this morning, which knocked off a couple hundred more calories, is making me start to think that this journey will be extremely difficult if I can’t stuff my face more. Any suggestions?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    First, are you confident you're accurately measuring your food? Sometimes when people say they're struggling to eat a low amount of calories, they're actually eating more than they think they are.

    If you're confident that you're accurately estimating your intake, then why avoid eating after 6 PM? If it doesn't give you heartburn or keep you up, eating later in the day can be a good way to ensure you get enough to eat. It sounds like you're naturally hungrier later in the day and less hungry in the AM, so why not make that work for you?
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,839 Member
    First of all your macros are off. They should come to 100
  • jordangm990
    jordangm990 Posts: 7 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    First of all your macros are off. They should come to 100
    sorry, meant 30, 30 and 40.

    First, are you confident you're accurately measuring your food? Sometimes when people say they're struggling to eat a low amount of calories, they're actually eating more than they think they are.

    If you're confident that you're accurately estimating your intake, then why avoid eating after 6 PM? If it doesn't give you heartburn or keep you up, eating later in the day can be a good way to ensure you get enough to eat. It sounds like you're naturally hungrier later in the day and less hungry in the AM, so why not make that work for you?

    That could definitely be part of the issue, I’ve been “kinda” measuring, doing my best but waiting on a proper scales to arrive so hopefully that will help.

    As for the late eating, I’ve read a few articles about avoiding eating late after dinner so I just went with that, still learning a lot though so if that’s not going to negatively affect anything then I’d definitely prefer that!

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    First of all your macros are off. They should come to 100

    And 40% protein is more than necessary. The protein could be blunting hunger and that is one contributing factor to not eating enough.