Target calories

Hi all,
Quick question re: setting target calories.
I want to change the target to 1300, as what MFP has set it to automatically (1200) I consider too low, and will get dispirited if I'm constantly going over it.
How can I do this?
(I can only see the option to change the present weight and target weight, which isn't ideal).


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,703 Member
    edited May 2020
    MFP won't give lower calories than 1200, so the fact that you've got that as a calorie goal probably means you've chosen a weight loss rate that is too aggressive. If you choose a slower weight loss rate, your calorie goal will go up (but not to 1300 calories precisely).

    Or you can customize your calorie goal directly too. In the android app: Settings > My Goals > nutrition goals
  • MichelleMcKeeRN
    MichelleMcKeeRN Posts: 450 Member
    There are lots of settings. I set my goal to the high 1400s. I am 5’2” and roughly 140lbs. I am very active in the gym 3-5 days per week. I do not like to adjust my daily intake when I exercise. That being said there are days where I am REALLY hungry, eat an extra little meal and go over. Yes my weight loss is slow but it is comfortable maintaining this lifestyle.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited May 2020
    From your Home page on the desktop version, click on Goals. Then click on Edit for Daily Calorie Goals and you can put in whatever calorie number you want.