Help T6 incomplete paraplegia

jp_dearden Posts: 2 Member
edited May 2020 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is john, I am 39. I was the victim of an unprovoked attack resultingbin me breaking my back, I had spinal surgery in sept 2016, that resulted in severe spinal and damage. My diagnosis is T6 incomplete paraplegia and have paralysis to differenparts of my body and severe nerve damage . My arms and shoulders are great and gone muscle as I have to use them in carrying my weight on crutches and wheelchair use. My weight has gone from 14 stone in Feb 2019 to 18 stone 2lb and was wondering is there anyone with similar issues and how to loose weight around my stomach and chest with limited mobility


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    That's the hard part. You can't spot reduce where you lose weight. You can only create a calorie deficit, and hope the weight comes off where you'd like it to.

  • jp_dearden
    jp_dearden Posts: 2 Member
    harper16 wrote: Β»
    That's the hard part. You can't spot reduce where you lose weight. You can only create a calorie deficit, and hope the weight comes off where you'd like it to.

    Ah right . Ok. Thank you for your reply and info πŸ‘
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,033 Member
    Hugs to you! Do you work with a physical therapist?
  • razaarifsyednew
    razaarifsyednew Posts: 8 Member
    Bro not in your situation exactly. But I understand that your goal is to " lose weight with limited mobility".

    Recently I had a sports knee injury which totally stops me from excercises of any kind. And yet, I needed to lose weight. And I did.
    On 31st Jan,20 I was 93.2 kg and now I am a 79.2 kg.
    14 kgs lost in just 3.5 months during this corona lockdown!
    See, I cant do any kind of excercise to burn calories. But if I don't eat many calories, then I won't have to burn it only!

    I have been religiously dieting for these past 3.5 months. Daily calorie intake around 1600-1700.
    While carbohydrates around 120 gms, protein around 110gms.
    I do intermittent fasting of 14.5 hours everyday, first meal at 11am, last at 8.30 pm.

    I used myfitnespal only to calculate my calories goals. Also I eat the exact same thing every single *kitten* day- to avoid the need for calculating only.

    You might be wondering that I must be starving myself. No. Not at all!
    The trick is avoid sugar completely. And have more protein infact.
    Higher the protein, and lower the sugar(&carbs), the less hungry you will be. The technique is called hunger suppression.

    Also, I am just 25. So "maybe"it was easier for me cause of it. But then I was also on borderline hypothyroidism, which *kitten* my metabolism. And yet I did it. So don't think I have a very fast metabolism.

    Also, sadly I didn't just lose fats, but around 5 kgs of my muscle mass too πŸ˜” because I didn't excercise, only depended on calorie defecit.

    So I would suggest if you can afford to hire a psyiotherapist then please do. He will tell you/help you to do excercises with whatever mobility you still have.

    So yes, it's possible. I lost weight without doing any kind of excercise 😊 I didn't even step out of my flat during this lockdown.

    Don't limit yourself thinking you can't lose weight because of not being able to excecise.

    Good luck!